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  1. K

    October 18th 2017 Post-ITA

    ☺ I git ur point. thank u.
  2. K

    October 18th 2017 Post-ITA

    How is it possible to cover entire time? If I get pcc today and exist the country within a 2 or 3 days would that still be a problem? No nah?
  3. K

    October 18th 2017 Post-ITA

    Guys we all have time till January 17th right?
  4. K

    October 18th 2017 Post-ITA

    I wont be able to submit my application before leaving here. Need to do medicals and also shld get pcc frm my native country. I saw in cic webpage that the pcc obtained shld be within 6months of submission of the profile. But yeah! I dont wana take a chance! I will request the police to issue...
  5. K

    October 18th 2017 Post-ITA

    Hi, I have a question. Presently I live abroad and not in my native country. I have applied for PCC and I might get it today or tomorrow. But m leaving this country next month and may or may not come back. So is it a problem if my PCC is dated before I exit this country?
  6. K

    Police Clearance Certificate

    Apply in PSK. You will get it within 3 or 4 working days
  7. K

    Please suggest!

    :) Thank you
  8. K

    Please suggest!

    Hmm.. I checked all that. Without a license all I can work in Canada is as communication disorder assistant related to my profession. Anyways I got your point.
  9. K

    Please suggest!

    So do u think I can jus proceed with this WES report? Or if I wana change too at this point will it cause any trouble?
  10. K

    Please suggest!

    Yeah.. she has to pass the license exam. But first this to register ur name with the regulatory body. Inorder to do that, Masters degree is necessary.
  11. K

    Please suggest!

    I got the ITA actually. I hope its called ITA only. Yes, I checked. They ask for credential evaluation...not necessarily by WES. I need to have Master's degree to apply for licence. And I need to appear an exam after registration.
  12. K

    Please suggest!

    Ohh I didnt fake. And I wont. Ok lemme explain. WES gave me a report saying I have 3year Bachelor's degree for my 4year Bachelor's and for my 2year Masters as 4year Bachelor's. Okay? That makes 2 certificates out of which 1 is more than 3years. Okay? So I claimed 2 certificates for crs. And...
  13. K


    https://ieltsonlinetests.com/ this website has many practice tests and this will give u a score too
  14. K

    Please suggest!

    I want to change because of 2 reasons. 1st is that I saw in one of the posts here that claiming 2 certificates when WES report says its equal to Bachelors only, will reduce the point later and CIC agent might reject the application. 2nd is that regulatory body of my profession asks for...
  15. K

    Please suggest!

    hi, I have completed both Graduation and Master's degree but WES has given me a report as, my Masters is equivalent to their Bachelor's. But my classmate got a report which says the Masters degree is equivalent to their Master's degree. I dont know why WES has given me a different report...may...
  16. K

    Can this be a reason for rejection?

    Oh!kei cool! Thank you so much for replying!
  17. K

    Reasons for Rejection

    Hii, I have a work experience of about 1.9years. I have to submit my documents before January 17th for PR application. My doubt is, next month I am going to resign from my job and join for a 3 month course. This course is important for me with respect to my career. Course duration is between...
  18. K

    Can this be a reason for rejection?

    Hey, I have got a serious doubt. Its abt my work experience. I have a work experience of 1.8years. Next month Nov 10th, m gona resign and join for a 3 month course which will really help me to broaden my horizon. Course duration is between Dec-Feb. I have to submit documents for my PR...
  19. K

    Doubt in filling PR apl

    ohkei! So I jus have to upload whateva is mentioned there. Nah! No ielts and no wes required. Okay! Thank you
  20. K

    Doubt in filling PR apl

    Hi, please answer to my following doubts. 1.Under which section shld I need to upload my WES report? 2. Also IELTS? 3. If my WES report changes in future do I have to mention abt it now? Or shld I need to upload the wes report as it is now and once I receive a new one, let them know about it?