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  1. Parmodchoudhari


    No need to create new profile I faced the same problem and send a mail to SINP and Got a reply from SINP..... Thank you for your email. You will not be able to delete any screens. Please leave these blank, or enter in the name field “Duplicate record”. Kind regards, VS – Customer Service...
  2. Parmodchoudhari

    Guide to submit application in Mon Project

    Re:10th & 12th grade education details; name of institution that issues diploma 1. 2 year is right, start from your 9th to 10 and then 11th and 12th. 2.Right, 3.not sure, sorry. 4.enter the university's name.
  3. Parmodchoudhari

    Guide to submit application in Mon Project

  4. Parmodchoudhari

    Issues in OASIS SINP online profile

    Hi all..Got a reply from SINP Thank you for your email. You will not be able to delete any screens. Please leave these blank, or enter in the name field “Duplicate record”. Kind regards, VS – Customer Service Officer Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) Government of...
  5. Parmodchoudhari

    Guide to submit application in Mon Project

    No need to fill any form at this stage....
  6. Parmodchoudhari


    Will it be ok i i write NA for these unwanted screens ?? There are 10 numbers of these settlement funds screens but i need just one.... Should i go with this profile or create a new one ??
  7. Parmodchoudhari

    Issues in OASIS SINP online profile

    Yeah..you are very right...Thanks for reply... As you said now i fixed this by writing NA but....as of now i created 10 steps for settlement funds...will it be ok if i write NA in 9 steps if just one is applicable for me ?? I hipe you are getting my point .... Or should i create a new profile ??
  8. Parmodchoudhari


    Thanks Anirudh, It worked for me... Now i have one another issue... Can you tell me can we remove unwanted statement funds screens ?? As i accidentally created number of tabs for this but unable to delete...
  9. Parmodchoudhari


    I have one issue.... In OASIS by mistake i created 2 3 number of settlement funds tabs ...now i am not able to find option how to delete these extra steps... is there anyone found same problem earlier ? If yes pls. share how you resolved this ?
  10. Parmodchoudhari

    SINP 2016 --- Preparation & FAQs

    I have one issue.... In OASIS by mistake i created 2 3 number of settlement funds tabs ...now i am not able to find option how to delete these extra steps... is there anyone found same problem earlier ? If yes pls. share how you resolved this ?
  11. Parmodchoudhari

    Issues in OASIS SINP online profile

    Hi... all I am starting this thread for all those applicants who are finding issues with their online profile for SINP under OASIS.... My request to all seniors please give your valuable views .... I have one issue.... In OASIS by mistake i created 2 3 number of settlement funds tabs ...now i...
  12. Parmodchoudhari

    SINP :- International Skilled Worker - Express Entry Sub-Category, Network Here

    Hi guys... In OASIS by mistake i created 2 3 number of sattlement funds tabs ...now i am not able to find option how to delete these extra steps... is there anyone found same problem earlier ? If yes pls. share how you resolved this ?
  13. Parmodchoudhari


    Thanks Ashu, One more question... As i also created profile for ee stream but in that case it shows green and i also uploaded all the federal forms. But in OID m not able to find where to upload forms and spouse details ... Will these options starts when OID open ? Or m doing something wrong ??
  14. Parmodchoudhari


    Hi all, I am creating new profile for OID i answered no for ee profile..but its showing incomplete... Pls. Guide how to resolve this ... Seniors pls. Advice...
  15. Parmodchoudhari

    Guide to submit application in Mon Project

    May be you have earlier application under Quebec.. But its better you should call MIDI regarding this...
  16. Parmodchoudhari


    Many Congratulations ...:-)
  17. Parmodchoudhari

    Noc Comparison table

    Hi all, Anybody know about NOC comparison table ? How to prepare this document ?? This is use to prove that your job duties are align with the main duties given on IRCIC Website under your NOC. Pls. Share your view points on this..and it will be very helpful if someone can share format for...