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  1. M

    OCI process

    Applying for my OCI from Montreal and had a couple questions 1: Am i expected to make a Demand Draft payment only @montreal BLS Center or will they accept Debit card aswell 2: While applying for OCI, since I previously had Indian Passport, do i need to just submit A: Canada Passport B: Indian...
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    Two Way courier services VFS New Delhi - India

    I guess i need to explain a tiny bit more here I have to submit passports for my parents. So 2 passports. Am i supposed to pay twice? I did submit two separate Webforms for both of them and they have sent two payment links aswell. Or am i able to request two packages for just the one fees paid?
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    Two Way courier services VFS New Delhi - India

    I have to submit passports for my parents. So 2 passports. Am i supposed to pay twice? I did submit two separate Webforms for both of them
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    VFS Global Consent Form

    Guys do u have an update on this situation if the page shall be left blank?
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    Further their consent form states Applicants wishing to provide biometrics I confirm that I have reviewed the biometrics validity and requirement tool on the Government of Canada’s website and will be providing my biometric enrolment in accordance with the information provided on the...
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    I just received Invitation to submit Passport for Parents Sponsorship. While checking at VFS website, it asks Did you enroll Biometrics for this application? Should the answer to this question be Yes because i had the biometrics completed for my parents an year ago for this same application.
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    Visitor Visa for Sibling in Pandemic restrictions

    He had had travel history in South Asian Countries for leisure. But yes there is an America Refusal on docs. Just to rephrase.. You suggested that although Visa can be applied,, but do not apply till travel restrictions are lifted. My baby's first birthday would have been a great reason for...
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    Visitor Visa for Sibling in Pandemic restrictions

    So in light of this go ahead and apply for the Visa. My concern really borders around the fact that since I shall be applying for invitation on first birthday (WHich is not a valid ground for travelling right now) the visa itself may be rejected
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    Visitor Visa for Sibling in Pandemic restrictions

    Thank you for the reply. My question is whether the present COVID situation will affect grant of Visa in the first place. Travelling will obviously happen if the restrictions are lifted
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    Visitor Visa for Sibling in Pandemic restrictions

    Hello I have been wanting to invite my brother for a visit but have been delaying to apply fearing that this may get rejected on account of travel restrictions. Would Visit Visa application be denied on account of travel restrictions. This will be for 1 year birthday celebrations of my...
  11. M

    QUEBEC Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship 2019

    Did you call them already. Id be happy to talk you. DM me
  12. M

    QUEBEC Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship 2019

    can u share complete list they asked
  13. M

    QUEBEC Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship 2019

    Does the Cosignor's CERB count towards Income Shall i be advising MIDI of sponsor situation (Newborn addition to sponsor)
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    QUEBEC Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship 2019

    I sent app in Nov with 2018 docs and 2019 payslips
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    QUEBEC Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship 2019

    The only think m certain abt is Quebec got my app Nov 03 and charged my CC Jan 10 Agent on phone advised more docs onThur 12 AUg
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    QUEBEC Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship 2019

    @Mira2019 Releves 1 for 2020? you meant 2019? the guy on phone said 9 documents so i m guessing what he meant @amesh I haven't received the letter yet.
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    QUEBEC Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship 2019

    Hello i called and was advised that they are asking me a lot of documents too. can you share what documents did they request u
  18. M

    QUEBEC Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship 2019

    Hello amazing people I had received letter from MIFI acknowledging the payment made on Jan 12th on the same date. Does that mean that they are working on my file now. M curious cause i think i saw someone above with FEB date getting CSQ already The letter i got is that an AOR?
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    QUEBEC Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship 2019

    I had some self employed income component
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    QUEBEC Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship 2019

    great thread. I had a quick question here which got me concerned. My line 150 income on Federal return is more than i need from the calculator. but today i received Quebec NOA which says that "Votre revenue familial (votre revenue et celui de votre conjoint ) pour l'anee d'imposition 2018 est...