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  1. ananyaram

    how many points for education for 2 years post secondary degree and 3 yrs bachel

    many points for education for 2 years post secondary degree and 3 yrs bachelors degree let me know plzzzz thanq in advance :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
  2. ananyaram

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    hello amit i had sameproblm please help me to fill application pm ur id r number brov plzzz am help less help me plzzz tp fill application
  3. ananyaram

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    thanq for u r reply brov ,,, i had one more small doubt ,, photocopys should b colord? or black and white also fine??? what about the date of birth certifcate ?? i dont have date of birth certificate becoze in india no one cant issue who born before 1989 so i dont have for instead date f...
  4. ananyaram

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    hellow bros please help me i had a doubt i sent just passport copies front and back side of my passport with out notorized i send all copies like this my pass port and educations copies shold notorized or just photocopoies enough?? i did nt send all pages of my passport just i sent front and...
  5. ananyaram

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    hi bro am also applied on same noc 3212 with 3 yrs bachelors in biotech as pathology assistant ,, giv me u r id vram427@gmail.com 09059900286 i need some info we will share
  6. ananyaram

    Applying for Canada PR from INDIA

    u r too late brov on which noc u r goin to file?
  7. ananyaram

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    hi kondaveti ru from hyd giv me u r contct info brov
  8. ananyaram

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    hellow frnds when am fillin fsw application how to complite application i mean take the print before fill the form or after fill the form
  9. ananyaram

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    hi bharat whr abtu in india pm u r num n id plz
  10. ananyaram

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    ok bro can i have u r i d r num m also frm hyd am goin to apply under noc 3212
  11. ananyaram

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    how long been before funds available before sendin application
  12. ananyaram

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    i would like to know about financials n funds avaialbility for fsw single aplicant,,, am going to submit my douments next week, i have a small doubt about funds,, along with my application i have to send or?? they will requested in later steps?? let me know about this thanq guys
  13. ananyaram

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    hellow friends i need a info about proof of funds,,, when will i send my bank stament ?? along with my application or when they requstd??
  14. ananyaram

    Background Checks -EXPLAINED >>>

    am saying am not showing london travel history brov thats wht am asking i changed my passport am shoing that last ten years am in india pcc certificate also am gettin from india so if i hide al london experiance is there any chance to find
  15. ananyaram

    Background Checks -EXPLAINED >>>

    hi am going to apply for canada fsw visa now i had a small problem please let me know that my problem is i been to london and i stay there for 6 years when i stayin in london i had criminal record for that i spent in prision for 8 mnths n 2 months totally 10 months thats what been to india and...
  16. ananyaram

    FSW 2013 Applicants Timeline- Lets Network Here.

    any one please let me know cap availability on position 3212 occupation