If you read carefully it ask to print additional page if needed and mention all other jobs , you can do that and add all jobs including any time where you were unemployed in last 10 years . GOOD luck
Can someone help , I did upfront e medical last month for my study permit application , In the medical sheet it shows Exam status as Required and Referred , is that correct?
I believe the status should show as Complete . Please advise
I read your post, since you paid her fees from Canada, did you provided any sponsorship letter saying that u paid his fee for 1st semester or 1st year?
I am enrolled in 2 years program in BC and my brother who lives in canada has upfront paid 1 year fees as per SDS guideline, do he need to provide a letter while filing visa stating he paid my fees ?
Since the tuition receipt shows his name .
Please help
Hello everyone
If you can help I have BCom and Bachelors in Law degree and applying study visa for 2 year Post grad diploma in Law Enforcement from Justice college in BC
IRCC says to upload most recent transcripts since my Law marks are 68% and Bcom is 55% should I only upload Law transcripts...
Thanks for replying appreciate your response
Not sure if you filled online portal application on your own or seek help of some expert because I am bit confuse since that box on online portal asks to fill all year of tuition fees which is 4 years in case of yours and you mentioned you put only...
Thank u for replying. I have 1 more question and really appreciate if you can help please
There is 1 section in online portal where it ask enter the fees of the program for all years of study suppose my fees of 2 year is 35 k , should I enter 35 k if yes then does it mean I have to show full 35...
Congrats on your PPR, i am also going to apply under SDS for fall 2024, can you confirm for proof of funds apart from 1st year fess and GIC , did you showed any other funds support(ITR, CA Report, or any other)