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  1. khancanada

    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    I should say don't miss your medical exam just because of your wrong date. This will be corrected as you already informed them and keep following until the confirm it is corrected. i think if you call Lahore IOM today, you may get an appointment by next week.
  2. khancanada

    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    Guys Girls who has 2nd marriage case and has a UC Divorce Certificate i need to clarify few things! on my UC Divorce Certificate Dates are like this for example Date of Notice for Divorce: Jan 1st, 2018 Date of Failure of Conciliation: Jan 1st, 2018 Date of Effectiveness of Divorce: Apr 1st...
  3. khancanada

    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    July 18th 2017...so on May 18th, 2018, 10 months completed..in total File moved to LVO on Sept 18th, 2017 so total of 8 months with LVO...but so far as of today, no movement
  4. khancanada

    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    yes i m 2nd marriage case.. divorced in canada and remarried in pakistan but my 2nd is was unmarried and never got married before...yes age difference is huge almost 15 years :D:D:p
  5. khancanada

    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    Same stated in my notes when i ordered in Jan 2018.i never order notes after that
  6. khancanada

    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    yes i totally Agree! Mine already done 10 months time and moving towards 11 months. few days before NXR responded waiting for FULL Review. since Feb 2018. According to trend for 2nd marriage/divorce cases/age gap most lilkely interview but file even not touched yet. When it will be touched.when...
  7. khancanada

    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    forget LVO and don't go after your original NADRA marriage certiificate. Try to get one from your relevant UC council. Tell UC you lost ur first certificate. They will issue you Insha Allah!
  8. khancanada

    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    thats makes sense to me. Reason i asked bcoz i already visited my wife twice since i got married with in a year but every time i stayed with her 27 days...(both times) and sent my vol proof of visit to her. I m now going back 3rd time in Ramadan for 27 days again and will celebrate EID with her...
  9. khancanada

    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    i m still confused how VO can easily reject an Spousal application like they think marriage is not genuine if husband can't remember the dates OR a husband can't understand English, what's the big deal if his wife born and raised in Canada....there are 10000s of girls and boyz born and raised in...
  10. khancanada

    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    Many Congrats!!!! so your brother in law is the sponsor, so can't he visit your sister time to time while her immigration was in process? why you stopped him visiting his wife from Canada to Pakistan, i m confuse here..
  11. khancanada

    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    after nikha bride has to RUKHSAT with her Groom to live together.....OR she can go to her parents house after nikah and tell her Husband come tomorrow to pick me up and don't forget to bring HALWA PURI on ur way..for my family's breakfast! :D:D:p:p
  12. khancanada

    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    yes of course they can live together..rukhsati is just formality nikah is the main reliigious thing but these ppl in LVO un ke dimaag main kaun daale
  13. khancanada

    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    I think we can't just left on them to decide if a marriage is a Nikha only or rukhsaati too...in forms they clearly ask if bride and groom live together and if yes then for how long? where? what kind of time they spend together.. so if spending time together someone says YES means Rukhsaati...
  14. khancanada

    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    they shouldnt ask you ur rukhsati pics as ur case is Nikah only case but again if ur visitign him taking pics together ..spending time with him.. then they may raise the concern "against the Cultural thing" because according to IRCC..a muslim marriage is not complete wihtout rukhsaati and they...
  15. khancanada

    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    in your case you mentioned rukhsaati only case but you sending pics that you both are spending your time together? for IRCC, husband and wife can't spend time together untul rukhsaati done...as for them..a complete Islamic marriage is when rukhsaati done..so don't they think that without...
  16. khancanada

    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    you never know it may be our own Pakistani folks who are handling our files...as recently in checklist they changed the english translation is not required for any kind of communication proof means someone they have who can read URDU? In LVO, it may be Pakistanees who must be handling all...
  17. khancanada

    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    your sponsor can call from Canada
  18. khancanada

    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    mine wedding and valima was way too simple.. not too many people were invited in both events..LVO should leave this on us who we have invited and how many people we have invited..main thing is our marriage is legitimate and registered with NADRA/UC, all kind of documents we have provided. I have...
  19. khancanada

    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    what all activities? She can't do the same wedding again just to take the rukhsaati pictures? Wedding is only time event..only option they have to celebrate Valima reception and then take alots of pictures together and she spend time with her husband..but not sure if even by doing this all, next...
  20. khancanada

    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    if Rukhsaati happen then Valima too ..without Rukhsaati no valima..i believe so