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  1. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 77th Draw

    Many good news today... Congrats!! @trumprefugee @Lala1234 Any update about @sundar17feb99 application
  2. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 75th Draw

    not a senior, but I have same view as you.But Its a really good thing that there is no reduction in immigration plans for next 3 years. 1 million new immigrants planned intake until 2020 . I am worried about wait until now but also i am hopeful, If i cant make it in this lenient plan of...
  3. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 75th Draw

    Would be like a common draw but with 3 week gap:(
  4. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 75th Draw

    NOV ,CRS and ITAs ;)
  5. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 75th Draw

    a person needs just three things to be happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for. Tom Bodette
  6. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 75th Draw

    Slashed CRS :D
  7. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 75th Draw

    Its almost November, expecting CIC to now change mode:
  8. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 75th Draw

    In the reverse calculation ,all the variables were assumed as constants, Few reasons i can think of- 1. The ITA unsuccess rate is variable 2.in The pool size the scores distribution is variable e.g. in last draw may be including 435 would have increased the ITAs to 3100-3200 3.Summer is...
  9. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 75th Draw

    I didnt feel being criticised , your observation and view point is valid and correct. Thanks!
  10. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 75th Draw

    couldnt find the page,But long story short- 300000 Total target immigrants if EE main driver of getting immigrants then atleast 50% contribution) 150000 immigrants assuming 2 landing per ITA 75000 mitigating unsuccessful ITAs 75000X1.2=90000 approx ITAs from Nov 2016-Oct2017
  11. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 75th Draw

    75k is inline to calculations done, on another thread, i will share the link later with you. The article was about What Should be intake according to a case study, Yes, i agree the url is shortened to add 'taking' which is misleading and but i overlooked and shared as it is ,But my idea was...
  12. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 75th Draw

    a nice read: https://capitalnews.ca/canada-taking-450000-immigrants-per-year-report-says/
  13. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 75th Draw

    Yes, very possible to get ITA at 433 in Nov. It will be positive ,if number of ITAs start to rise.
  14. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 75th Draw

    You can simulate your scores with CRS calculator http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/crs-tool.asp I think , it should add 4 points if you manage to get 8777 in LRWS
  15. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 75th Draw

    Prepare for the exam based on the assesment criteria, the band and the associated rubrics are clearly explained in IELTS guide. As a member already mentioned L,R are clearly objective, and for W , S please follow the assesment criteria. You should target 8777 for LRWS , please share section...
  16. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 75th Draw

    I agree , the reason for this trend could be to accomodate staff vacations in Summer and this should also mean that November-Dec may have a couple high ITA draws and then in Feb to June.
  17. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 75th Draw

    I think 2800 average ITAs per draw is 25-30% below par and not sustainable ,if target is 140000-160000 EE PR landings in a year.( conservative figure) If they maintain around 2800 then at some point it will need to be increased as expected average ITAs should be 3200-3400. I am really putting...
  18. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 75th Draw

    No you are not, possibly any day can be Draw day , probably some days are fixed as draw day based on trends, and trends break.
  19. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 75th Draw

    seems like no dance friday!!