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  1. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 70th Draw!

    Hi, How common (or practical )is it to live in Canada and work in US( Detroit area)? My company is located just near US-Canada Border, i always wonder if i should try for intra company transfer rather than searching for a new job in Canada. I know it may be common but the border transit might...
  2. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 70th Draw!

    Guess who's back, back again Wednesday's back, tell a friend
  3. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 70th Draw!

    I copied , and have a feeling more 'absolutely nothing 'to come. Its Wed soon and people in troll mood.
  4. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 70th Draw!

    Do you guys also see your CRS score everywhere, its on the time of your computer screen, its on bus numbers,building number, its somewhere in the phone numbers, Do you know what it means? Absolutely nothing!
  5. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 70th Draw!

    Yes you are right, actually this rightness is the essence of 'ray of hope' threads
  6. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 70th Draw!

    I read it here, http://www.mondaq.com/canada/x/606584/work+visas/2017+Express+Entry+Draw+16+CRS+Score+Climbs+With+Continued+High+Number+Of+Invitations+Issued Although the information is just a speculation by the writer himself, i also think there would be 30 draws and no. Of invites should be...
  7. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 70th Draw!

    Read this on some web portal- Stakeholders expect to see near 30 draws and up to 70,000 invitations issued in 2017, with majority of draws featuring CRS scores well below 450 to enable Canadian immigration authorities to meet targeted annual immigration levels for 2017.
  8. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 70th Draw!

    Until now, no realist has jinxed this thread. Its not good sign. Please God, i need a realist real quick here. Its Tuesday already. PS: its meant as light hearted remark to bring smile , pls dont seriously take it to heart. I mean no bullying or anything of that sort
  9. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 70th Draw!

    A friend with more knowledge than me ,tells me that their average processing time is atleast a month or higher in the past for EE and the current intake is OID that has longer processing time for nomination.
  10. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 70th Draw!

    We make native speakers nervous, when we 'speak'with respective MTIs(Mother Tounge Influence). Believe me , inside me i sound like Morgan Freeman, but somehow something else comes out. Year-ear, hour-our , all becomes same same.
  11. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 70th Draw!

    Dear all, This to inform you that i will come to your screens soon. Best wishes, Draw
  12. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 70th Draw!

    Dont lose hope dear, i can see you are good in difficult sections i.e. L and S Writing and Reading can be improved by practice and can be worked upon L and S is something you learn over time. You are almost there , just identify your mistakes that is keeping you 0.5 points W-(Handwriting,not...
  13. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 70th Draw!

    Well, the CIC thinks you are an economic skilled migrant , who will contribute to their economy then they want their applicant's spouse to be easily accomodated in social fabric, he can do so when he is educated and speaks acceptable level of English. I am not expert/ senior here, based on my...
  14. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 70th Draw!

    You can become primary applicant and the n , i think you can choose spouse not accopanying . But your marital status will still be married in the application. Its just your spouse is not part of PR application together with you.
  15. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 70th Draw!

    Mam, its a technical question . What i can suggest that you go to CRS calculator in the cic webpage and check there are many categories that you can apply as Single Seperated Etc etc Married Single never married Single but seperated etc etc Select the one applicable and then provide/arrange...
  16. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 70th Draw!

    Sorry, to not mention, i also have spouse points(25 i guess), but the improvement was really 7.5 to 8 in listening and poof .. a big jump in CRS Well in a nurshell , there is lot of difference in points when you achieve CLB 9 I.e. 8777 in LWRS It depends on case to case so may be you can check...
  17. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 69th Draw

    You can improve IELTS score,getting 7 in writing should take you 400 + or more.
  18. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 70th Draw!

    Yeah friend, it took two attempts, but got CLB 9 and managed raise points from 363 to 426. You are lucky that you have chance to increase your score.
  19. PixelDust

    Ray of Hope - 70th Draw!

    Depends upon your individual situation(pof etc), you want to wait couple of months or want to make certain you get ITA, Asap. If you want to go to Canada badly, like most of us here, book a test give ur best shot and enter pool with high scores.