I sent a mail to CPC-CTD-Ottawa@cic.gc.ca last night trying to find in which office my application is processing. I know there's another way we can do the same thing - submit a request via web form in cic web site. Does anyone know what's the difference between the two approaches? And...
At the mail bottom there's a email address, you can know where is your case is handling from the address. I think it's a good news, that mean VO is starting to process your case now.
Yes guess so, as far as i know there's only one friend who got IP2 on 27th got PPR later, and his category is PNP Outland. Don't know how VO handle our cases since there're so many cases which submitted ahead of him have not handled yet. But definitely that's a good news for those 27th IP2s.
Thank you for your sharing, my application status is exactly the same with yours, the only difference is i got "Updated" on 1st, Mar. after BC changed to IP2 on 27th. Let's share the latest status in the thread for any changes.