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  1. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Hey! :) My husband re did his secuirty check and got it all translated and we also sent that to the embassy (just in case) when they asked for the medicals. It's better then nothing! :) Good luck :D
  2. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Hey Musab! :D What tracking number did you use (also what site) to see when Paris received your medicals? Can you help me out please, thanks :D
  3. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Umm, that's absurd, it wont and cannot take that long, thats hilarious if it does though! My hubby asked his doctor and the doctors like it takes us a couple of days to send it to Paris and then from Paris it takes them another couple days until their done and then Damascus receives it. He said...
  4. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Oh sorry, i'm not a PR im a citizen! Sorry, I understood the questiong wrong! Good luck! :D
  5. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    However long he wants, I stayed for four months, there is nothing that states that it causes delays in the process! :D
  6. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Keeping busy is THE smartest thing. I was in Lebanon the entire summer and right when I came to Toronto i found a full time job, thank God for work or I would have lost my mind a while ago! I'm pretty sad on weekends, I dont go out cause I dont find it fun without my husband, but I lately just...
  7. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Well lets not think of that, lets think positive :) And to tell you the truth, the embassy has been working hard this week, for example sending some people emails, and also we have to remember, there is only a quarter of people that have applied that post in this forum, there are many other...
  8. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Hey Lina, is that you? I have a feeling it is :P My husband got asked to do it also! He already did it though, so we just sent the medical slip and the police clearence (just in case)! Ask Dr. Press where he can do it, or call Scarborough Grace, or the DT Hospital! Good luck! xoxo
  9. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    weird think is, ours expired a week ago and they asked us to re do it right away, atleast this means their looking at our papers :D that's all we are happy about :D i'm sure everyone will be blessed with PPR's at their given time :D
  10. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Hi everyone! The embassy emailed me today telling my husband to redo his medicals, God knows we needed this email. Our app was received in Damascus April 6. He re did his medicals, we will now send over the green sheet and the clearence. Good luck to all, the end of this process is near for...
  11. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Merry Christmas everyone/Happpy Holidays!!! :D :D This is a pretty difficult time for one to be away from their spouse-esp in my household, where theres christmas thrown up everywhere :( so I just wanted to wish everyone the best and to say good luck getting through the holidays without your...
  12. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    After I typed my message, I went on a frantic trying to find appendix C, but thank-you sooo very much for putting the link and for answering my question :)! I can pass the msg along and now sleeeeep with ease. :D Good luck with your papers xoxo. Have a great day :D
  13. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Can someone pleasee help me! My husband has to redo his medicals, and he is going to do it at Rizk hospital because thats where he did his first one. He called them this morning and they told him to bring appendix C, its 4 am in Toronto and i had to call the hospital to hear this for myself, and...
  14. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Hey! So it's the same for every hospital? and i dont think we have a copy of the old medical! :/
  15. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    :) My husband is going to re-do his medicals too, soon at Rizk, what did you have to bring with you?? :)
  16. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    I think you can, maybe printing the calls from Skype :/ I havent tryed it though! I use Comwave, I used to use NECC but Comwave has better rates to Lebanon for calling the cell and home line, and when i'm on my cell (i blocked calling out long distance, cause once my phone bill was horrible!) so...
  17. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Hey you! I'm as great as i COULD be eeheh, how are you? And thanks for the info, but I dont think we'll end up getting one, theres no point, we're so busy and theres probably only a few more months left so eh, we should have looked into this at the beginning! 'Mahlash' heheeh :P
  18. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    Ya I know, but the thing is, he isnt always home, he is always working, and then i'm always working and then skype gets annoying due to the LOVELY internet connection :P! Never works out! So my phone bills are out of this roof! I'm sure it'll all be over soon! :D
  19. N

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    I should look into this magic jack! My hubby doesn't believe in its greatness though! Racking up those phone bills! Adding up all my phone bills is the scariest thing, all that money could have been a down payment on a house :P!!