Well in my case it was updated that they need additional doc (RPRF fees ) in 30 days , so I paid in time duration
Nothing else cam up till now
And now I have exceeded 6months time
Another week and then I ll raise CSE
hi guys
my time line is as :
AOR 20th DEC 2017 ,
RPRF Paid on request from New Delhi Visa Office on Apl 25th 2018
PPR : Waiting
6 months time finishes
Any idea how to tackle the situation
GCMS ? Will it be benifical or
Webform ? If yes , the may i know how long do they take to reply...
Hi guys
Is there any way to contact new Delhi visa office except the webfo
I paid rprf on April 25th ,aor;20th Dec 2017 , visa office:new Delhi , any ways to contact visa office