Can you give me the sentence which is indicating that No working required for ANP ??
I don't find it :(
Re: PLEASE!!!anyone got visa after they are cechking his/her background? 9 weeks ago
Could you tell me where your friend is from (who got visa) ?? India or Pakistan ?
Could you tell me where are you from ? and which visa office you're going to apply ??
according to these two questions, it will determine in which session should you enroll :)
with experiences :o
I applied for MEng but I don't have any experience in my field :(
I got a bachelor degree of mechanical engineering then directly I applied for master degree ???
Re: anyone got visa after they are cechking his/her background ?? - 9 weeks ago
sorry I'm not expert of this but I hope you get visa soon
someone else can help you
cheers :D