OMG they are so :-\, There is no processing times, the status of your application is written online, there is no need to call this number, we will give you no information more than what is written in your express entry profile :o
THat's what I called, but last time I called a month ago I remember they putting me on hold many times and when i reached an agent they told me to call another number which for some strange reason disappeared from my phone ...
anyways i have been on hold for 20 mins now and only 11 mins left
In express entry, you get invitation to apply when u get enough points (either on your own or by nomination) then you get your medicals done then submit all your document to CIC online (upload) then you get AOR within 24~48 hours of the upload
Note:AOR Received.: 27-09-2016
Med's Done...
You are telling CIC that you lived in egypt for example from 1970 to 1 dec 2015 (for example)
your pcc cannot be from before 1 dec 2015, it should be after that for example any PCC after 2 dec 2015 is a valid pcc for egypt because if you did any crimes in the period you lived there it will...
after payment you can only upload stuff if they request more info, other wise it's locked, however, if you change your address or other critical info there is an online form that you can fill to update those critical info.
It's called Balance certificate and in HSBC
it stated that I have 4 accounts:
1 EGP and balance = X and the rate of exchange = Y and so my balance on that date euals to Z CAD
2 USD and balance = X and the rate of exch from USD to CAD = Y and so my balance on that date = Z CAD
3 EGP CCD...
I the old system before Express Entry, I applied for FSWP and they required either a credit card or a Demand draft and HSBC was kind enough to do that for me in CAD, but CAP was reached and all my documents returned to me
it doesn't matter which bank you put your money in, if it's in EGP it loses value anyway, convert it to USD then put it anywhere because it will not lose value and the interest rate is bad everywhere with USD so any bank that can get you a statement + balance certificate will be fine (mine was HSBC)
I am not inland but in 5 days I will complete 6 months and I will call my sister in Canada and she will call them and make a conference call, and we will update you soon!
It's one of the easiest parts, just tke your english certificates + transcripts if yuo have them or make new ones and when you get them have an envelope with you A4 size, and put the documents you received in them give them back to the faculty staff where you got them and tell them to give them...