Dear all friends and Spicy,Happy your birthday and I would like to see your nomination very soon.When you speak about the god name in hebrew my heart is vibrate.lucky you if you know the bigest name in hebrew.if it is possible kindly send me pm!
Big congratulation .Kucky yoy.hope to see you in Sask.
Big +100 for you.As you are one of the best and prompt cosultant.What was you field you applied?if it is possible let me know or even in private message!
Many thanks to you good friends,hope we all get nomination and see eaxhothers in Saskatchewan,why you dont update your details in your profile for instance when you got Aor doc request,and when you send docs ,...please share it
they also asked settelement fund monthly from Oct 2014 till Feb.2015 .I sent them from Feb.2014 till 30Feb.2015 transaction detail.Fortunately ,I had kept my account balance much more than they need for every day.
Dear friend
I now feel I am in boilling water .
I feel very soon change happen.please ask the god to be nominate.I feel my previous institute settlement fund made delay for me.Also one of my friend who is not member of this forum got their in eligible two days ago as they thing his studying and...
Tank you all friends and hope the soon nomination for all you.
I got AOR on Jan.9, then Got document request on Jan.13
affidavit of translation of marriage stats and original document as I had sent just translation
some federal forms like travel secule A
and settlement fnd monthly
then I sent...
DEAR yangzhang
big congratulation.
MAY I ask you when you send the last document?
what was your score?
what was your status just before nomination on website?
I submitted my last document Feb.4 but I still waiting applicant!
of course dear friend.Dont afraid !they mostly azk one time but my file was special as I have not enough time the they submitted I had attached old financial support from last year .first time they asked new monthly financial support and some federal corms like generic form travel history and...
Dear tetunte
could you please update my profile?!
AOR Jan.9
First doc request Jan.13
second doc requst
Third doc requzt Feb.4
Uploaded documents onFeb.9 but still my status is waiting applicant from Jan.13!!
Each time I sent the document they needed.
Thankyou very much for your prompt reply.God keep you for us kind friend.Apologize for asking any stage even by SINP do we need to send original document which is submitted online to SiNP or other place?such as work experience or IELTS result sheet?
Again forgive for asking.