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  1. A

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    No, I sill have not received mine, but soon i received it, I will definitely let you know.. I live in Ahmedabad/Gujarat.. So I'm guessing that it's gonna take little while to receive a post.. Onc eyou receive yours, do let me know!!! I pray for you that You will receive yours very soon!!!
  2. A

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Hi Friends, Hope you are keeping well!! I just found out that Ecsa also updated Canadian address on Client APPLICATION STATUS.. Actually it's showing two address, Your current Home Address, Canadian Address (Only city, Province & Country) Your current mailing address, Indian...
  3. A

    Lawyer fee

    Added to this, Most of the advices / helps are Supportive. No one will give you unconstructive advice.
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    Lawyer fee

    If your case is staright then do not use Lawyer. If you think of any complexcity then only hire someone. In my case, I only had travel History for 3 and half years so i think of having lawyer and wasted our $1500 as Lawyer has done nothing but *** stupid mistakes. In short, I have wasted my...
  5. A

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Hey Askhullar, Don't worry as it's only been 3 weeks. Give them few more weeks and then hopefully you will be hearing some good news. Also, It's good that they taking time in PPR, If they ask you in advance then they will hold it till your background checks are done. So let them do their...
  6. A

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Congratulations my Friend!!! I'm so happy for you as you have also waited very long for this.. I understand your pain.... Big news is that You have got your Visa yeyyyyyyyy.... So When are you flying??? btw which city you moving to?? Can you inbox me your email address so that we can stay...
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    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Congrats dear!!!! Glad to know that you will be with your partner very soon!!!!
  8. A

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Many congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really happy for you!!
  9. A

    pls help

    You can ask your partner, who can order this CAIPS notes in Canada. http://www.caips.ca/
  10. A

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Thank you soo much Indian_spouse :D :D :D All the very best to you too :D
  11. A

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    I don't really understand why this lawyers are making such stupid mistakes!!!!! just cause of their idiotic things we have to suffer!!!! I would suggest you to send lots many proofs to them which can prove your Relationship!!
  12. A

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Ahh thank you soo much Sumant... hope you will get your DM very soon!!! :)
  13. A

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    That is too much from ND.. If Decision has already made then what is stopping them to send our Passport... i have got sense that You will get your passport tomorrow!!!! :D :D :D Soon i get mine, i will update you guys! y
  14. A

    pls help

    Buddy, Try and get CAIPS notes that will be more helpfull. And also ask your partner to re-visit MP and see if she gets any joy!!
  15. A

    pls help

    Did you try contacting Local MP??
  16. A


    what country are you from?
  17. A

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    lol don't worry I won't. Thank you anyways.
  18. A

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Friends, still got one question, that I have been asked to re-do my Medical which i have done and send them the receipt. I got my Decision made today but only one time it says that "Medical Results have been received".. Is there any negetive sign?
  19. A

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Thank to all my friends for your wishes.. And I wish that you all get your Visas very soon cause i understand the Waiting pain... it almost kill us from inside.. All the very best to you all!! hoping that I will get my Passport soon!!
  20. A

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Thank you soo much Vir_Ajay... Allthe very best and you will get your visa soon..