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  1. janamay1967

    Thread for March 2011 Applicants!

    Does reading all of the posts in this forum make anyone else as paranoid as they make me? I keep reading about things that I didn't include. I just sent my army son off to get a medical even though he is not coming with us. I just had a HUGE fight with my X husband to get a letter of permission...
  2. janamay1967

    ADVISE PLEASE - When your child is not part of your application!

    I have a similar issue: I have an 18 year old son that has just signed a 5 year contract with the US Army. He is obviously not immigrating with me. I included him on the application but did not get a medical. I assumed that his being in the army would be self-explanatory. Do you think this will...
  3. janamay1967

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is a dream come true!!! You must have done everything right! WOOHOO!!!!
  4. janamay1967

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    This is like 10 blind men trying to describe an elephant by feel. I am just afraid of getting the messy end! Please add me to the spread sheet if you don't mind! thanks, Jana
  5. janamay1967

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    That is the best news any of us could have!!! Congratulations!! Meet you in Canada soon!!
  6. janamay1967

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    CONGRATULATIONS! Dralon! I am so happy that the torture is over for you! Keep the rest of us in your thoughts!
  7. janamay1967

    Thread for March 2011 Applicants!

    Dear quakingaspen! I understand your dilemma completely! I desperately want to go live with my husband after school ends in May! It will be tight financially, but I am struggling to handle being separated from him. I am glad to know that you are living together. I am going up for the summer...
  8. janamay1967

    Thread for March 2011 Applicants!

    Dear quakingaspen, Where are you from? Are you the American or is your husband? Does your husband have a really good job so he can support you while you can't work? That is the only reason I am not there right now. I don't think we could make it financially if I wasn't able to work. It drives...
  9. janamay1967

    Thread for March 2011 Applicants!

    Thanks! I'm going to figure this out! I guess I will be good at it in 6 months! :'(
  10. janamay1967

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Hey Lina! Thanks for the feedback. I am lucky. I have full legal custody of my children and was able to send the divorce decree to prove it. I am hoping that will be enough! We will be living in Calgary and I will be able to apply for teaching jobs as soon as I am legal. I don't want to be...
  11. janamay1967

    Thread for March 2011 Applicants!

    We mailed off our application yesterday! I am immigrating to Alberta from Houston to be with my Canadian born husband with two children from a previous marriage. I am as nervous as a cat and I am SO happy to have a group of people that I can whine to without shame! I hope we all get landed...
  12. janamay1967

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Hi! My Canadian husband and I got married on February 19th 2011. I am American wanting to immigrate with my 2 children from a previous marriage. We just sent our application in TODAY! No health problems Legal custody clear all hoops jumped though I am so pleased to see that the processing...