Hi! Please check your junk mail folder... You might have have missed that one. I read it elsewhere in the forum that a person forgot to check junkmail and M.R mail kept lying there for many days...
Sorry!! I have nothing personal about CVO Applicants. Infact I am happy that it's happening faster for few... Let's pray and hope we all sail through fast now...
Well congratulations!!! Lucky you... But orginal NDVO applicants who are transferred to CVO are given step brotherly treatment in that case.... We have been waiting for so long and expected that CVO WOuld BE FASTER
... Makes me very Sad... :( :(
Don't loose your patience... We all are sailing in the same boat... Another few days for MR... FSWP2014 is much quicker than FSWP2013 where people waited for almost 10 months after PER for medicals.... We wl all get rewarded later...
C'mon CVO ... Atleast second line update today... Show some hope. It's disappointing to see October applicants getting MR in NDVO... And we were supposed to b under faster processing . Huh
Sailing in the same boat.. :(...I recd AOR on 13 feb 2015.. No update after that... Fingers crossed at least second line update should happen this week. :)