Totally agree with you there. Think about the frustration and despair of people between 413 and 449. They could have easily figured out at the beginning of year, the number of draws and ITAs issues to keep it periodic. And have draws inbetween to make up for declined applications. Score would...
Have you received an ITA already?
If not then ask your father to transfer the money ASAP and let the money sit in your account for as long as possible. You are asked to provide a bank letter covering last 6 months but if the money has been in your account for more than 3 months, there shouldn't...
With due respect, everyone has different circumstances. For OINP one has to submit a lot more documents than for a regular ITA, which can be quite hard for many. There is also an extra cost of 1500CAD. You can't judge people unless you have walked in their shoes.
When did you receive OINP? I recommend you to wait for atleast 3 draws before you make that decision if you have time. Keep in mind it's a one-way street.
What's your CRS? I don't think so, quota is I believe 72k. Also many people with high CRS are getting out of the way so there are high chances of score going down. Don't lose hope just yet.
As there has only been 1 draw in June, there is a high probability of 3 and worst case 2 draws in July. Frequency at which the draws takes place is the deciding factor of cutoff CRS. So we can't say nothing for sure. I am confident that by the end of July, CRS will be below 420 and even less if...
Realistically speaking, I believe it will be somewhere between 420 and 425 if the draw takes place coming Wednesday.
And God forbid if it takes longer, each passing day will perhaps result in an increase of 1 CRS point.
In the subsequent draws score should fall back down in 410 range.
That is...
I am sitting as 435 and trust me last draw didn't make me feel any good either.
I and many others are hoping for a draw coming Wednesday and the score should drop by atleast 15 points. There has been only 1 draw in June which is a rare case so I am positive there will be atleast 3 draws in July.
Perhaps. That discussion aside, I think you should give IELTS another go. I got LRWS 8-9-7.5-7.5.
I personally don't think I did well in writing part but I only prepared for 2 weeks. I believe a lot of people don't go through the band descriptors for writing and speaking. If you follow them...
Thanks pal, this was really helpful. O hope it's not too much to ask, can you kindly update the graph with latest draw (28 June) and post it here. Would really appreciate it.
Hello Everyone
I have done my Bachelors in Engineering from UK, high school and college from my home country. For WES evaluation, do I have to send my high school/college certificates along too or just the bachelors degree is enough?
Please advise.
Hi I have a q
Hi I have a question regarding WES evaluation. I want to get my BE degree evaluated by WES, do I have to send my Intermediate too along with my degree?
Can't tell you exactly when but there will be draw soon pal. Don't lose hope.
You know I already received an ITA in May but declined mid June because my POF wasn't ready. You have no idea how stupid I feel now. But I am still keeping my spirit high, if my Canadian dream is supposed to come true...