June 3 AOR IP1 since June 15. Got how to get a job in Canada message on June 27. No update till now. Haven’t received request for RPRF yet. Feeling a little anxious now. Why is my application stuck at IP1?
Thanks. In addition to VO processing my application, I will ask about eligibility status - recommended passed or not and BG status. Anything else I can ask?
I called IRCC last week but only got a chance to hear the automated response which was the same as whats online. Should I speak to an agent? I wrote an email to CIC to find out which VO is processing my application.
I also had the same impression - in fact that is the reason I didnt pay it upfront so that I could use it as an indicator to the the status of my application.
So its not an indicator that PPR will come soon even after I get it. Which stage are you in? Did you get the how to get a job in Canada message? I got it on June 27, only update since June 15 when I reached ip1. No ADR yet.
At what stage of the application is the RPRF request sent if I havent paid it upfront? My application is in IP1 since June 15, I havent even received the request to pay RPRF.
My AOR is June 3 but I am not getting any updates since June 27 when I got the how to get a job in Canada message. No ADR. No request for RPRF fee which was didn’t pay upfront.
My country of residence is Bangladesh. No update since IP1 in June 15. Got how to get a job in Canada message on June 27. AOR June 3. MEP June 14. No ADR
Me too! My AOR is June 3. Last background status changed on June 15. On June 27, I got the "How to get a job in Canada" message in my account. Since then no update. I am getting a little anxious. What should I do? No ADR
AOR: June 3
MEP: June 14
IP1: June 15
BG status after MEP was NA between June 14 and 15
June 27: got a message in my account about How to get a job in Canada.
No ADR requests. But no movement since June 27. Should I be worried?