You need to back up your experience with a verifiable certificate, that is what sinp will use to assess your eligibility in the noc. and your certificate should be related to the chosen noc. Is really dicey bro
You will not be elligible to receive ITA if your noc is no more on the oid list, but your eoi will still remain in pool until noc is restored in future
SINP from the last draw on 17 April only invited applicants in 4 specific nocs, 2174 is not included. You have to wait for other draws to see if your noc will be included.SINP just introduced this mode of selection
This should not be a big deal, considering the fact that his pasport and birth certificate will show the correct info. It could be considered a typo error on the part of his brother.
You do not require pof for your submission, your assessment by cic will be based on the scanned copy uploaded to sinp. You will receive adr to update your document if required,
pof inclusive
You need to visit SATCC website for further details. Form 7A is application form and payment details while Form 6A is trade specific verification form.
Hello guys, pls i tried log in into my EOI account to make changes,
tem is taking back to my oasis application page. Pls i can access my eoi account. Pls what changes takes place in oasis account if one receives an ITA. Thanks
Hello friends pls am in the process of applying in oasis,but all my scanned documents are in jpg format not pdf. pls how do i convert to pdf in order to upload doc.Do my birth cert and passport all have to be in pdf format? pls help.