Its not gonna be problem to send via mail beacuse they told me to use specific inq.? And wich adress to use to send photos?I got email from cic missuaga.Thank you :)
Hello people,i got email from cic that i need to provide aditional documents usig specific enqurie.In mail they said this:All requested documents/information and a copy of this correspondence must be submitted within the
timeframes specified above (formatted as “year/month/day”). What is...
All requested documents/information and a copy of this correspondence must be submitted within the
timeframes specified above (formatted as “year/month/day”). What this mean? Timeframes? Thanks
Thank you ,we dont have photos with family only her dad was on wedding,i have only my mom and she is in europe,its very expensive to came here also we didnt go for some exotic vacations only near town,again very expensive and we are still saving.
For now we have our id on same adress,paystubs on same adress,bank statment on same adress and i got apointment for joint bank acc.Is gonna be problem if joint bank acc is made today?Thanks