my profile -
10 =60%
12= 70%
B.tech =55%
Ielts =6.5 /5.5 in one
I hv past 3 refusals in IBM in st.clair .
File - 26 Nov
Bio- 8 Dec
Medical- upfront
Refused -30 Dec.
Refusal- 1. purpose of visit
2. Your proposed of study is not reasonable in the light of : your qualifications, previous studies, mark sheets, academic record, level of establishment, future prospects, plans / or language abilities.
my profile -
10 =60%
12= 70%
B.tech =55%
Ielts =6.5 /5.5 in one
I hv past 3 refusals in IBM in st.clair .
File - 26 Nov
Bio- 8 Dec
Medical- upfront
Refused -30 Dec.
I got refusal in dec. 2020 for Jan intake.
St.clair college in IBM course after B.tech
I ordered gcms notes in which VO mentioned my course selection so I changed my college and course . My new college is LaSalle college montreal and course is opration and production management . Should I...
anyone tell me about the visa chances of my profile -
10 =60%
12= 70%
B.tech =55%
Ielts =6.5 /5.5 in one
Course =opration and project management in lasalle college montreal .
I hv past 3 refusals in IBM in st.clair .
Please share your views on my profile .