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  1. A

    parents sponsership joine here

    They have this page: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/change-address.asp THough it is not quite clear what it changes and they stress somethign about address in canada... May be it is better to call them?
  2. A

    parents sponsership joine here

    Yes, I am wondering where they got the address for my father - from past applications or from any of my papers... Regarding hte bolded part: did you enter your parents actual address anywhere in IMM008? I recall entering their home country adrress as their home address and my canadian one as...
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    parents sponsership joine here

    Anyone, who is ahead of me: do you recall how long it took you to see a change to 'decision made' status from the appearance of the second line in the status record?
  4. A

    parents sponsership joine here

    I wil phone. I will wait a bit to see if it changes - maybe they have not really entered the info from the most current IMM008 and something old is showing up (the reason I think so is because the format looks slightly different from how I entered it in the IMM008, not sure how parents put it in...
  5. A

    parents sponsership joine here

    Ok, finally managed to get through and try the file number with my father's data. It worked now. However one thing I noticed is that the address showing up somewhat incorrect. THe street name is missing one letter at the end and there are some other werid letters (not sure whether they took it...
  6. A

    parents sponsership joine here

    Finally managed to log in into ECAS (took a lot of attempts today to get to the mail login screen - busy I guess) My status changed to 2 lines today as I was hoping after that email I received last week (not 'Decision made' yet, only applicacion received for now, but still progress!) Only my...
  7. A

    parents sponsership joine here

    Is ECAS page accessible today? Does not seem to work for me today - meaning I can not go to the page that would ask for UCI/name etc... It loads a long time but then gives me blank screen. Wondering if that is just my computer for some reason (or maybe a lot of people checking their statuses on...
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    parents sponsership joine here

    Congrats! Looks like you are one step closer. Mine has not changed (your email was a day earlier than mine so I will check daily - just to see when it is going to change actually :-) )
  9. A

    parents sponsership joine here

    I also use my UCI, but there is an option for the file number in the dropdown list (and the description says it starts with the letter which seems to stand for immigration type, e.g. F00... for family class, B...for business, etc) The file number I got does not work yet but I will keep trying...
  10. A

    parents sponsership joine here

    I only included it because I heard that they sometimes requested it from other people (kind of randomly). So, I thought why not include them to avoid delays... But as far as I understand the rule formally is income for 12 months prior to application (though it was in times when sponsorship...
  11. A

    parents sponsership joine here

    I was on mat leave too during that 4 year period wait (after the original application) so I am in the same boat. My total income for the original application was fine but then my mat leave was across 2 fiscal years (half and half - summer baby :-) ), so in those two years notices of assessment I...
  12. A

    parents sponsership joine here

    I guess the key word in their statement is 'usually change..." They probably update it as they please (or whatever their upload timing is - maybe they do batch uploads on weekends or something like that..) But they say that it changes once a week to manage our expectations :-)
  13. A

    parents sponsership joine here

    Hope it is a positive one! Did you provide your email in applications? Wondering why they send letters to some people and email to others... (Sibnadian, I sent you a private message - did you get it?)
  14. A

    parents sponsership joine here

    Yep, that is exactly the email that I got :-) Do you think you did anything that could have triggered that email (e.g. I sent them some email commucations several month ago to correct a mistake in my name)? When did you submit your additional documents requested in November? (I know we should...
  15. A

    parents sponsership joine here

    Do you have any letters in front of the file number you got? or just 10 digits? Is it called applicationID or file id or something else? The F0000***** number I got is called Application No (and yes your 'old' UCI should work - I am also using my original UCI. I did not really remember mine...
  16. A

    parents sponsership joine here

    It says so right at the bottom of the ecas webpage http://services3.cic.gc.ca/ecas/ECAS.jsp :-) The Client Application Status site is updated weekly, usually on Tuesdays.
  17. A

    parents sponsership joine here

    One more observation (we are like detectives here :-) ) I noticed that my email address (the same) is listed twice in the To: field of that email from CIC So, I am wondering whether this is just a glitch in their system :-) or whether it is because I put the same email address in my parents'...
  18. A

    parents sponsership joine here

    Shuga and others who were approved already: did you have a separate file number for your sponsorship application vs. your parents application? For me, CIC used my UCI in communication as well as KIT ID (a long number). Only in that email today I see the F... number (:-)) but still along wtih my...
  19. A

    parents sponsership joine here

    It is interesting - I agree. That is a good news indeed that they confirmed for you that the file is complete. So, the letter you received referred to documents you submitted in February and confermed it is fine but they did not give you a file/application number in that letter, did they? Then...
  20. A

    parents sponsership joine here

    That is an interesting suggestion regardign status check - I just tried and it still did not work. But since they are updating the online status system once a week and I just got an email an hour ago, the update (if any) will only happen next week. Will keep updated. If anyone else experienced...