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  1. L

    petition call to Ministry of Immigration for CIC's poor practice

    an update, so far we have got 34 signatories. People, if you are suffering waiting in frustration, let the government know your feeling!We deserve to be dealt with by an efficient government!!!
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    petition call to Ministry of Immigration for CIC's poor practice

    Hi everyone, I havn't checked my post for a few days as I have been busy with my two little kids. I am surprised but happy to see so many people read this post and replied. I don't agree with Susana that we should be more patient and just wait as we are not the only applicants. My petition is...
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    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    Thanks Dr. Deng X
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    petition call to Ministry of Immigration for CIC's poor practice

    Hi All, Today is the day CIC will update its website for process time again. I know there are numerous people anxiously waiting for the update although we know it might be another lie as what happened in the last 4 weeks. Do we continue to wait with silence for another non sense? I...
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    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    content of petition as below for your convenience. all suggestion of modification are welcome! CIC has failed its performance standard by doing the following: 1. failed to send acknowledge email after receiving applications. Only a few people received emails to acknowledge the receipt of...
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    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    below is the link of online petition I have created. I plan to post this as a new topic in the forum so more people can see it. Please have a look on the content and give me some suggestion and modification before I post it to the whole forum. All kinds of suggestions are welcome ;)...
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    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    Great! I am only worrying that going through legal process will take too long?
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    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    Thank you Srinivas Vadapalli. I take it as a compliments ;). However, I prefer someone more capable of English writing to step up to do this. If not, I won't push aside the responsiblity as I believe this is to fight for fair game. I have waited over 50 days for sponsorship and I know my case...
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    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    this is the Immigration Ministry's email address Minister@cic.gc.ca links: cic.gc.ca/english/department/minister/index.asp Jason Kenney was appointed Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism on October 30, 2008. He was reappointed to the portfolio on May 18, 2011 and given...
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    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    Thanks for your response to my petition suggestion. My English is OK but not that good. Is anyone is this forum good at writing a powerful petition (not necessary to be a long article)? I think as long as we clearly indicate that CIC's performance is very poor to reflect their process and we...
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    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    I mean Petition ::)
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    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    Hi guys, I am a February applicant but cannot stop peeking on your January applicants' cases in this forum. The CIC's performance in the past three weeks is very disappointing and IRRESPONSIBLE. We paid immigration however we cannot even get an promised acknowledgement email to confirm they...
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    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Welcome to Canada! I believe that you won't regret
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    February 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    please add me too. Submitted: Feb 6th, 2012 Received: Feb 7th,2012 Outland office: London Destination: Ontario so far no news from CIC yet. Note: Second round application. I was a landed immigrant. I lost my residency due to not meeting the residency requirement. I withdrew appeal and chose...
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    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    immigration approval Hi all, I have been watching this forum for a while. I am here to deliver some good news of my family. Today CIC emailed us to request passport for my daughter's immigration application (3 years old). The time track of my daughter's application is as below sumitted...
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    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Hi Pinklady, I am a new joiner.Please add me to your spreadsheet. I sent my applicantion on Feb 6th, received by Mississauga on Feb 7th. Thank