On IMM1344, Question4, Family Name, and other fields are written with *, like *Family Name(s) but Given Name(s) without *.
This is true for other forms too.
What is the meaning of "*", and Im not talking about Dates.
Is the name required o 5669 when mailing the application?
I understand that name is required when electronically submitting only.
Or just type name and hand signature together.
My Mam is in Canada on MultiVisa third time, she usualy stay 2-3 month.
She got 2 passport from country A and country B.
She Has here Canadian Visa on Passport A.
Her Family on Passport A dont match my Family name.
Her Family on Passport B match my Family name.
Is there a problem to use...
Hello All,
Believe me I tried to find myself the answer.
Im sponsoring my Mam ONLY, My Dad is deceased since 5 years, no other dependant.
Do I need Dad's Death certificate??? is there a reference somwhere?
Thanks a lot.
Working on my Mother application, Do I need a document proving my father Death, if yeas then where to certify the translated document?, in Canadian Consulate back home?