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  1. K

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    thunx for the reply hun, cangratulation again..
  2. K

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    how much is that in canadian dollars and how many pounds are u allowed in each bag if u dont mind me asking...also is that the earliest ticket thats available or did u just chose that specific day?...
  3. K

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    :(:(:( inshallah u will get it soon too
  4. K

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    oh no no i nvr meant to say u dont understand anything and if it sounded like that i apologize right here and now...all i meant to say was stress is not gana solve anything here aside from making us go insane...and u are right the process is long, hard and often it seems unfair..as far as my...
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    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    dont stree urself over it guys trust me on this one stress will only make u go insane, if u read my previouse comments and notes on the previouse pages ull know how stressed i was back in the day too and it didnt solve anything and im sure u all know that already... inshallah ur time will come...
  6. K

    BEIRUT Family Class Applications sent to Mississauga then BEIRUT 2012

    nothing 2...inshallah soon hun, hang in there a little more
  7. K

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    congratulations to you and ur hubby hope you have a very blessed life together
  8. K

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    oh love, im so sorry i know how u feel hun..i wish i could somehow get u and the rest of us waiting and being told to wait and wait some good news somehow..but inshallah inshalllah u will hear back from them soon,..how long has it been? did u guys get a reply to the email sent by ur lawyer or...
  9. K

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    not necessarily-while it maybe true for some people but i know in my case they asked for ppr fee a very long time ago..Erina have u heard anything back at all?? did they reply back to ur lawyer's email?...if not have u tried mp at all?
  10. K

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    hiii guyss...got a random question for u guys especially for those that live back home and have recently done their medical, when u go to the doc what exactly does he/she test for ,,im just a little curious, also the forum that they send you from ankara does it tell them what to test for??? we...
  11. K

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    thank you, you are too kind
  12. K

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    women what the heck, have u gone nutsss!! :D:D..well enjoy ur day and go back to sleep and sleep for me too love--spiddie, im sure someone's got it from somewhere-inshallah u will get it too
  13. K

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    school, i have an 8 oclock class..why r u up?
  14. K

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    hhah morning love...and nahh nothing yet, nothing ever...
  15. K

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    your so kind love, i really dont know what is going on and i am tired of waiting, sooo unfair but what can i do ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
  16. K

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    i dont think it is written for us...i think it is a note the officer has left for themselves lol.. in case they go back to it or another officer looks at it or something...
  17. K

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    guys its the 10th day of jan 2013, 23 month since my file was initially received by Ankara and its been in process since July 3rd 2012 and i am still told to wait where is my ppr???? :( :( :( :( :( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
  18. K

    Damascus/Spousal since Jan 2010 or late 2009

    well maybe they thought you asked for a copy of the file hun, dont worry about it...im sure it is just a mistake and if ecas has not changed and u have not heard from the embassy about ur file then u are fine..it must have been a mistake on someones part...btw my ecas also been in process since...