I have done the GIC process from Samba bank F11 branch. 100 dollars were paid by me as bank transaction charges. I have transfered the amount and waiting for GIC which may take 4 to 5 days.
Strange..As per the rule of state bank no one can send the money from PKR to USD/CAD until you have a foriegn currency account and you must have to be tax filer also.
Hi, do we need to open an account in USD to transfer the money for GIC from pakistan to Canada? my bank has refused me to do so because i have a PKR account. please help
Thanks for your help.Are u from Pakistan?
should i start the process or wait for a month to stabilized the current senerio? what do u say? i mean in this situation i dont think embassy will issue the visa?
I have paid the fee for 1st semester and got the reciept just now..the next thing is to do GIC and then apply for visa..but i am very confused due to the ongoing situation..please help me in this regard
guys plz let me knw about the current situation as borders are closed..what should i do? i mean should i keep continue the process of applying for visa?
Hello all,
I have also got an offer letter from Seneca college for September 2020 for advance diploma in Business Administartion and supply chain managment. Now anyone can help me on the submission and process of GIC? would be greatful