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Search results

  1. B

    Special Health Insurance needed for Supervisas (Parent/Grandparent super visa)

    It seems that there would be a good market demand for health insurance products for super visa applicants. There are many people like my parents who want to travel to Canada for 1, 2 or 3 months per year and need a special insurance product that: - answers supervisa's regulation - covers their...
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    Insurance for SuperVisa

    Hi Gary, I think as you are dealing with different insurance companies, you probabley can give them new market demand. It seems that there would be a good market demand for health insurance products for super visa applicants. There are many people like my parents who want to travel to Canada...
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    Insurance for SuperVisa

    Are you the government representative here?
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    Insurance for SuperVisa

    I am looking for a kind of insurance that I pay for the whole year but be refunded for the time my parents are not in Canada as they may stay here for only 2 months per year.
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    Insurance for SuperVisa

    I am trying to find an option that you pay for 1 year but your 1 year is calculated based on the time your are inside Canada and you get a cash back. So if you apply in January, enter Canda in May and return in June; then first you have to pay for the full 1 year and when you leave Canada the...
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    Super visa for parents? Cost=4000$/year! Action is needed, petition?

    The problem is that Why should they pay for the time they are not in Canada? It has to be limited to the time they are in.
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    Super Visa

    The problem with the supervisa medical insurance is that parents have to be insured for one year but not during their stay. If they stay for 1 month they still have to pay the full year insurance which will cost each of them 4000 or even more.
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    Super visa for parents? Cost=4000$/year! Action is needed, petition?

    Please note that Supervisa is a replacement for the sponsorship but asking for one year insurance when they may stay only a few weeks or months is completely against the idea. The problem is in the rules. I accept that parents have to be insured when they are in Canada but why they have to be...
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    Super visa for parents? Cost=4000$/year! Action is needed, petition?

    You can also try getting a quote for your parents to understand better: http://www.visitorsinsurance.ca/?gclid=COX9pZDv8awCFacZQgodUCMJJA [You need 100,000 coverage] http://www.safevisit.ca/index.php?pid=26&sid=51&gclid=CIXds5Hv8awCFYUZQgodmA9QKg
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    Super visa for parents? Cost=4000$/year! Action is needed, petition?

    Super Visa out of reach for many Canadians: http://www.southasianfocus.ca/community/article/102660
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    Super visa for parents? Cost=4000$/year! Action is needed, petition?

    Hi Everybody, They have paused the Parents Sponsership programme and offered supervisa instead. But you should NOT be HAPPY! Because they say: - prove that they have bought Canadian medical insurance coverage for at least one year; and And it will costs your parents something around 4000$ to...
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    Parent with Type C dependant

    Yes. She is currently a student but she needs regular checks and medical attention which is provided by her parents.
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    Parent with Type C dependant

    This is good news. Really thanks. Can the same thing be done if she wants to enter Canada by a study permit as a student?
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    Parent with Type C dependant

    Thanks for the response. Is there anyway her parents can become commited to support her costs?
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    Parent with Type C dependant

    Hi everybody, We like to sopnser my in-laws. My wife has a sister (their child) who is 25 and has some serious medical problem. According to the sponsorship application forms she must be listed as "Dependant Type C": The child is 22 years of age or older, has depended substantially on the...
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    Is separate applications for parents possible

    Thanks for your reply. Actually the fee would not be different because the a) app fee 75, b) main application 475 c) dependent over 22: 550. So If you can move the dependant spouse to a separate application and it would be the same. Some forums have written that you have to/must include both...
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    Is separate applications for parents possible

    Sorry, still have questions: 1) So you mean I cannot two applications, one for each? 2) How if the principle applicant dies? Does CIC continue with the dependent?
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    Is separate applications for parents possible

    Hi, Do you know if it is possible or even better to open two separate Family Class Sponsorship applications for parents? One for the father and one for the mother? I think this way they can be processed independently and is better. But if you start one application for them together (Father as...
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    PR Card - Photo Rejected (6months time)

    Exactly the same situation here. How can you send new photos without receiving the notification letter? We landed in Vancouver and they sent our documents to Nova Scotia. Now they say that our file has been sent back to Vancouver office and it takes 10 weeks for them to answer then we have to...
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    need photos for the PR card application?

    Exactly the same situation here. How can you send new photos without receiving the notification letter? We landed in Vancouver and they sent our documents to Nova Scotia. Now they say that our file has been sent back to Vancouver office and it takes 10 weeks for them to answer then we have to...