Is there any Contracts Engineer here in group who is by qualification a Civil engineer. Please help. My husband is a Contracts Engineer but by qualification he is Civil engineer can we go by NOC 2131?
My birth certi is in Gujarati and need it to be translated in English DOES Anyone have any idea on certified translators in India or how this can be done. Has anyone gone through this please guide me urgently
Hello my ielts academic scores are as follows
Listening 6.5
Writing 6
Reading 5
Speaking 7
Overall 6
Planning to go for pgdip or masters
Which college can give admission under the above scores.
M 38 years old
Hello my husband is a Civil Engineer.
We have already submitted express entry profile.
We are applying for jobs in Canada.
But we will require Lmia.
How can we inform the employers regarding Lmia I mean do we need to mention anything in resume that we would require lmia upon selection or just...