Oh but now the problem is I don't remember whether my degree certificate is there or not in the cover and the cover is sealed had u done ur things from Guj University?
And separate we cannot keep any doc
Hello Ankit
Did the WES approve ur docs dotually very confused do gujarat university ask for degree certificate I don't remember while I went for doing transcript..
Do WES ask degree ceecertific..pls guide
I am giving my docs for WES to Canada.
I got the sealed cover from Gujarat University.
I just wanted to know do they put degree certificate copy because I do not remember whether they put the same .
Even do we need degree certificate certification or only marksheet verification....pls guide
And if there is any problem in documents or marksheet WES do they send back the cover?
Pls guide me on whether in Guj University I got my sealed cover but there was no sign only stamp and seal of gujarat university at the back side is it ok? Pls guide....
I was just applying for WES .
In Gujarat univeesUni do they give cover with signature at the back since after I got my sealed cover it was not signed pls guide if it's ok...