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    January- February Trv timeline 2019 (India)

    apply on 8th of jan biometric done 15 no acknowledge letter recived nor biometric letter send web form to new delhi no response . is this possible that my application has lost .any one advise plss
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    January- February Trv timeline 2019 (India)

    hi many of them send web form and getting reply even there back ground still going on .i have not recive any notifiction till 10 day how many days it take kindly reply
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    January- February Trv timeline 2019 (India)

    got any reapone?
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    Passport submit request

    i went inida for met my family i applied from india where processing time 15 days i waited 2 til feb then returned to spain
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    Passport submit request

    visitor visa and u?
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    Passport submit request

    i am waiting for decision u said march 2018 ? that mean it take one year for decision. i live in valencia in which city u belong to in spain
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    Passport submit request

    iam also living in spain and wait till jan no reply from embassy when u apply and where u gave biometric
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    Passport submit request

    u get approval ?
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    Visitor visa

    one last thong shpuld i email to embassy or how many day i can more take for decision
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    Visitor visa

    how can i assure they have revied my new detail as i returned to spain or got mu new contact .bcz i dont recived any reply of web form
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    Visitor visa

    i applied for me my wife and my son but only one change in my son aplication that we are rewiewing your eligiblity.
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    Passport submit request

    in which country you applied?
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    Visitor visa

    they are checking my back ground. i mentioned in email that i returned to spain on my work filled in web form and recived auto genrated mail that they will reply in 5 working day but no response
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    Visitor visa

    hi bryana could u help me i applied onlind on8th of jan and gave bio metric on 15 of jan still no respone .this monday send a web form for quiery and revived a mail that thwy will reply en 5 working day that also passed and not get a any rep
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    Visitor visa

    it ask which office u apply i applied online what should i mention
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    Visitor visa

    I am living in spain this jaunary i went to india for meet my family . i applied there canda visa online in india .the applicTion was taking to much time and i returend to spain now. my nomber has changed how to tell the emabssy this change pls reply
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    January- February Trv timeline 2019 (India)

    any one who applied in january and not get any update
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    January- February Trv timeline 2019 (India)

    bni gl koi
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    January- February Trv timeline 2019 (India)

    recived letter next day ns submittedc after weak 15 of jan despues no update.
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    January- February Trv timeline 2019 (India)

    waiting from 8 jan no update no revived aknowlegement letter nor biometric submission