From Montréal have same problem 7 months still waiting for test,a trip to Mars takes no more than 7 months i don't know why a simple test should take that long
I am from Montréal since 30 novembre heard nothing from them still waiting for the test , it is frustrating it doesn't seem following any rule or logic
Hi everybody can any one gives me the link to the spreadsheet for citizenship applicants ?
Am I only one frustrated with the delay of knowledge test? Kindly share your opinions with me
I think application are moved to local offices in the provinces, and apparently they are very slow that's why test invites takes so much time,otherwise it is online meaning it should be quicker ??? guys what do you think
Hi guys it seems to me that test invites goes very slowly.,
Do you agree with ? Has anyone an idea how long it takes, I have been waiting for 4 months!
Hi every body can any one tells how to change my mailing address on line cause I tried it couple of times and didn't work still the old address is there thanks