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  1. sbag_in

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    yes, the bill might not pass before Canada Day and might move onto Fall session, but explain to me why it will go dormant in fall.. any quote from ministers.. any info.. or is that pure speculation... you might say things calmly.. but that does not mean you are right... as of right now c6 is on...
  2. sbag_in

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    no point trying to explain.. people are very emotional here.. circumstances are unique for everybody, so i dont want to be judgmental, but going by the general trend of comments, patience here runs really thin... of course a few a people have still kept their heads, but they are in the minority...
  3. sbag_in

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Here is a convo I had with MP Salma Zaid this morning regarding c6. May be have a look. Hope this helps a little bit. https://twitter.com/sbag_in/status/872680601601679361
  4. sbag_in

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    You can laugh my friend, but, this is as good as it gets. Canada is far better than most countries in the world. Of course there are going to be opposing ideals. That is what a democracy is all about. But the way Canadian govt has treated me and my family when they had no obligation to, has left...
  5. sbag_in

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    no body knows when the bill will get approved, unless you are an MP or a senator. so it does no good to play this guessing game. of course the house will reject or amend some or all of the senate's amendments. we all knew that. lets see what happens when c6 returns to the senate. i would suggest...
  6. sbag_in

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    See.. How much better it sound when people are optimistic.. Good to see this.. This forum was becoming very negative.. Do not worry people.. C6 will pass soon. Fingers crossed..
  7. sbag_in

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Cheers mate... Good on you...
  8. sbag_in

    Bill C-6, Messages between the HoC and the Senate, FACTS ONLY

    I am sorry for my previous comment. It was a speculation. Sorry.
  9. sbag_in

    Bill C-6, Messages between the HoC and the Senate, FACTS ONLY

    Thanks for taking the effort to send the email. Appreciated.
  10. sbag_in

    Bill C-6, Messages between the HoC and the Senate, FACTS ONLY

    And there is no way in hell they will accept the language requirements. That is a complete win win for conservatives. Not only does it directly cut down on the liberal vote bank, but also will be a major political loss if implemented. That is not being accepted for sure...
  11. sbag_in

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    I just had to.. did not mean to offend anybody but i feel that many here have truly started believing that C6 will never become law, when the reality is actually far from it.. unnecessary negativity never helps.. so I just had to post that..
  12. sbag_in

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    And do you have a direct line to the speaker or any senator.. Or are you just speculating. In 99% of cases senate accepts the messages sent by HOC as it represents the will of the people. So no matter what happens to the amendments in the HOC the history of previous bills are pointing towards...
  13. sbag_in

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    contrary to popular belief, citizenship and PR applications rarely depend on processing times or backlogs.. they depend on your immigration and travel history and criminal background... fam class sponsorship for my wife took 7 months.. we had a straightforward relationship and marriage with...
  14. sbag_in

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    bill c6 is a positive change... increased processing time or otherwise.... stop worrying about what might happen.. it is out of your hands.... i will be able to apply under c24 in jan 2018.. and if c6 come into effect the day before i apply even then i will be happy....
  15. sbag_in

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    I see spyfy has beaten me to it though..
  16. sbag_in

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Not really.. If HOC accepts all the amendments then c6 can receive royal assent immediately. No need to be back to the senate.. But HOC will not accept all the amendments, especially the language requirements.. So it will go back to the senate where they can only discuss the amendment(s) that...
  17. sbag_in

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    agreed.. you do hellava job my friend.. you do all the leg work for lazy bums like me... know this.. it is "much appreciated".. trust me.. look at the number of likes you have. keep up the good work... and thanks again...
  18. sbag_in

    Bill C-6, Messages between the HoC and the Senate, FACTS ONLY

    thanks.. much appreciated...
  19. sbag_in

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    spyfy updated earlier that b. chagger said c6 will be discussed today. that must mean it will be... would be nice if we could have any idea about the time though... that is why i was going through the POB... lets just wait I guess...
  20. sbag_in

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    i was wondering about the same thing...