Well.. hard to say. One of applicants that was posting here - Seiryu88 (you can read his posts under this subject) - waited 8 days.
I am assuming that it will take about a week, but as you know every case is a bit different so all processing times vary.
If you get your decission - please...
Well as far as I know - it depends.
As you know every single case is different = processing times vary.
From experience of other applicants posting on this forum seems like it takes sometime between 2 weeks and a month.
I hope that in your case it`ll go pretty quick.
God bless!
I e-mailed BC PNP to inquire on application status. Here is their response:
"A decision was recently made on your application. Correspondence will sent to inform you of this decision. Please allow some time for processing as our processing times are impacted by the volume of requests...
Don`t worry too much Elmaddin!
I sent additional documents to requested by BC PNP 6th of March and I didn`t receive any final decission yet. It takes quite a bit time.. and patience. I really hope that you won`t have to wait too long :)
Hi sdalwadi!
Well, after I emailed them again requesting info about applications status - again they replied that it is being reviewed by Program Advisor and that they will contact me if ant other information is required.
Tomorrow is going to be exactly a month since I sent email with...
Still nothing - at least in my case. I really am hoping to hear something from them within a week. I maybe will try to email PNP again just to inquire about status of my application.
Hi sdalwadi!
No, I didn`t hear anything from BC PNP yet. I hope that now after Easter break that PNP probably had I will get my final decision fairly soon. Thanks for you good wishes! God bless you! All the best to you too!
After my employer sent all additional info to PNP officer we waited for about 12 days and my employer gave him a call just to confirm if he received all the documents. PNP officer kindly said that he received all the documents and that he is sorry for not letting us know about it right away. He...
Don`t worry - just be patient and wait. PNP officer asking this kind of question - that is a pretty normal situation. Look on previous posts.
Good luck to you!
If anyone has any other news - please SHARE
Hi sdalwadi!
No updates yet.. I am checking my mail box everyday and my email every hour but still nothing. I am hoping to hear form PNP this week. From what I`ve seen on forum it usually takes 2 weeks after you send additional documents until they make final decision. If I don`t hear anything...
Employer needed to make a correction with a job offer /hours of work/, questions about interview, request of financial statements for past 2 years. Something like that.