Thanks for your reply Darklord.
In India, our school leaving certificate is submitted in our college/university during admission which is never returned.
Anybody aware how can we get it back or is there any alternative to it?
It appears that there is a separate workflow for cic assessment officers for each application and on any event in that worklow, we are also getting the notification mail.
I submitted my application today and it is showing application received. However, I didn't get any email regarding that. What is the next status after application received and do we revive these status change alerts on email?
I have total of 5 years 9 months of experience.
Recent 5 years experience - 4 years 11 months (1 months gap between 2 companies, one company left in Nov. and joined in Jan) --> 8 points (4 years)
Experience 6-10 year prior to that - 10 months --> 0 points
I am getting 58 points as a result...
I believe from the next draw we should be able to get an idea of how the trend is going to be i.e. whether scores in 350-400 range have a chance or not.If there is a huge time gap between two draws our chances diminish significantly.
Positive - Atleast the draw is over and now we can plan of the future accordingly.
Negative - now canadian dream looks very bleak.
This statement is not correct otherwise it would be like the old system with one change that people do not know about the cut-off and they would be wasting money for no reason.