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  1. A

    March 2014 applications

    I don't think you have failed the test please check out this link http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?q=361&t=5 it says that if you fail your test they ask you take it again. i think there might be some eligibility issue you have to remain in Canada for 1095 days after you...
  2. A

    March 2014 applications

    Hi Guys, Just tried to call CIC call got disconnected a couple of times due to call volume has this happened to anyone before
  3. A

    March 2014 applications

    Hi Nomi we have very similar timeline i think we should expect test letter in the next few weeks and oath in a few weeks so maybe test in September and oath in Oct but let's keep our fingers crossed. ::)
  4. A

    March 2014 applications

    but if you go to a different page the date is different but if it is same for everyone then then it must be the webpage and not me ;D has any one here applied for GCMS through the ATIP how long does it take and is it worth it ???? Input appreciated.
  5. A

    March 2014 applications

    hi guys a question on the bottom of the details page i saw Date modified:2014-05-12 is this the last time some one was working on my file??? if this is true no one has worked on my file since May 12, 2014 that is surprising. :o :o :o :o
  6. A

    March 2014 applications

    hi guys is the CIC website down or something its really really slow i had to refresh tha page like 5 times .... any updates Also would like to congratulate all who have received test dates and oath dates. :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
  7. A

    March 2014 applications

    First of all congrats to Sweetakash and Parasv on passing the tests ;D I called the CIC today the lady was very helpful she told me that my application was moving very well, background check is complete and the file has been transferred to the local office (Mississauga) so keeping my fingers...
  8. A

    March 2014 applications

    I think that is a myth.......I think they would update it automatically as and when needed.
  9. A

    March 2014 applications

    Me too, anyway no change in status for me, one question does the officer who islooking at my file have access to the notes of the call center people i mean if we keep calling cic to ask for the status of our file will this affect our application process negatively.
  10. A

    March 2014 applications

    Everyones at the cottage this month lol.
  11. A

    March 2014 applications

    What is an rq? Also I read somewhere that if you get an rq your file goes to the back of the cue is that true. ....... I haven't received anything from cic ...... When I called the cic they said the file is right where it's suppose to be. ...... I hope that's a good place for my file to be
  12. A

    March 2014 applications

    Thanks Edmontonm, Then guys my received line head disappeared but I called cic and they said my file was still at Sydney. ..... Now what does that mean?
  13. A

    March 2014 applications

    Hi guys I have question and it might sound dumb but please bear with me. ...... as per the above example ezeetrade is saying the received line disappeared but the line is still there. ..... I am a bit confused by this phrase help
  14. A

    March 2014 applications

    Ahmadz ecas is the link to check the status of your application please click on link below or type ecas in google it should take you to the Canadian immigration and citizenship page. ..... https://services3.cic.gc.ca/ecas/authenticate.do?app=ecas
  15. A

    March 2014 applications

    Marcos you can email them at questions@cic.gc.ca or call them on1-888-242-2100
  16. A

    March 2014 applications

    Hi guys atleast you have majical stuff appearing and disappearing my status has been un the cold cellar since apr 30. Absolutely no movement. .......... :(
  17. A

    March 2014 applications

    Ok called CIC today. .... The lady said....the file was in process. ...i asked her to see if the file had been sent to the local office she said how would you benifit from that information ....... after asking her the same question again in a sweeter tone :P she said it had not been transferred...
  18. A

    March 2014 applications

    they rcvd my application on Mar 21, 2014 received line is till there.......should i worry? :(
  19. A

    March 2014 applications

    Thanks P
  20. A

    March 2014 applications

    We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on March 21, 2014. We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s), and a study book called Discover Canada on March 21, 2014. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. We started...