MP is on off but I have already sent my receipts .. How cn I confirm now and cn u share after how long the updated ur new medical I mean how long it'll take . Do u have any idea???
This is bul..... I know .. But In my case MP said they recived my medical and when I got call NDVO said they don't got anything .. Even Dr confirmed as well .. Totally confused wat to do now ..
Does any1 got call from NDVO like they r not able to find ur reasssessment report?? Like any1 is already done with medical but embassy didn't not recive any report yet ??
Yeah m already done with MP and according to reply (MP got) they have already received my report near in August .. I don't know y they ask me for that today ..
To be honest dear my MP and I have already sent that but couple of days ago and I got this email today .. Anywaz ll meet them again and do the same .. Thanku so much for ur rply !! I appreciate
Need help guys . I got email regarding my re medical . Like I have already done with re.medical and today I got request to do remedical . Bcoz M in Canada and was not able to pick call so cn any1 suggests way should I do now ?
Yes .. M in Canada they check my ticket and I know many of my frnds who r in Canada and every time they ask for return ticket ... Thing u cn do is book ur ticket Thn take printout and concel that right way no issue !! This is wat I did ..
Same here . Got medical request on 19april and done on 3rd may but still no updates even I got to know the dint recive my medical yet ... So worried now ..
May be but I don't think so bcoz still visa officers r sleeping .. They r not processing may application.. Anywaz happy for u guys !!! Have gr8t life ahead !!
Actually dear chandigrah VFs have authority to stemp after New Delhi and wat I got to know is in future New Delhi will send all the Punjab and Haryana files to Chandigrah to process ..
Have done with medicial 5months ago but still no update . Today I called cic and got to know they have not received my medical yet.. So cn any1 sugges wat should we do know ?? File is stuck bcoz of medical