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  1. Herlo

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    Thanks for sharing your exp bro. But, the address in ur passport and present address both same? I heard that, if you no longer stay in the address mentioned on ur passport PCC takes longer time.
  2. Herlo

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    Guys, If you think the cut off on 24th July is 458. Then what would be the tie breaker date?
  3. Herlo

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    C Thanks mate
  4. Herlo

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    Thanks for the response. But looks like the final PCC report will look like this... The wording look kinda odd to me.. "It is certified that there is no adverse information against [Applicant' Name] holder of Passpport No. [Passport Number] issued at [Place] on [date] which would render him...
  5. Herlo

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    Some say its option 4 and some say its 6.. confused now :(
  6. Herlo

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    Seniors, one quick question.. When filling the application form online for PCC from India, there's a dropdown which asks, "Purpose for which PCC is required" The options are, 1) Citizenship/Nationality application 2) Education/Research 3) Employment Visa/Work Permit 4) Immigration Purposes...
  7. Herlo

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    Guys, There was someone in this forum who tweeted to CIC asking if he can untag his spouse and go with 'not accompanying' option to increase thr crs score. CIC replied back stating that we are allowed to do that for increasing our score. No point in saying lies here.
  8. Herlo

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    Just visited that Channel, its very useful. Clears most of our queries.
  9. Herlo

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    Guys, can anyone of you please share the steps for Medical process and documents submission after ITA? Also the timeline for each stage.
  10. Herlo

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    Thats great, fine then..
  11. Herlo

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    Guys, quick question. I have got the company reference letter signed by my colleague who is of the same rank as me. Can i mention that he is my supervisor and provide all supporting docs including both our ID cards? This letter will be on the company letter head. Secondly,I will also provide...
  12. Herlo

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    Hope your words come true bro :) thanks .. will wait then..
  13. Herlo

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    Thanks for the response bro. But are u sure it is 45 days, saw in other forums that it is 6 months? Kinda confused.
  14. Herlo

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    Seniors, Could u pls shed some light on these queries?
  15. Herlo

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    Guys, I have also received the OINP notification. How long do we have to accept this invitation? Because am at 458, confused whether i need to wait for the next draw or accept this invite :( Guys in 457 - 458, what are u planning to do with the NOI? :D
  16. Herlo

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    Dude on 31st May, Ontario issued 1000 invitations. Does this mean all these 1000 candidates will enter the pool with 600 additional points? This might increase the CRS score again? Pls explain guys :( kinda worried...
  17. Herlo

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    @Punitsingh and @nitinsharma, whats your prediction for 24th July? Waiting eagerly :D
  18. Herlo

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    Am at 458, my bday is coming on December.. should i take up IELTS again or wait? :( Really confused..
  19. Herlo

    Ray of hope 122th draw

    Guys your predictions for 24th July....?
  20. Herlo

    Ray of Hope - 121st Draw

    Guys pls join the next thread Ray of Hope - 122st Draw