SINP OID is soon to open- may be within this week. Let us know if you have any questions, confusions etc. in general or in filling your application.
History of SINP EE (except of May 2017):
February 14, 2017- 500
January 4, 2017- 500
October 12, 2016- 300
July 20, 2016- 500
May 19, 2016- 500
January 4, 2016- 500
December 20, 2015- 500
December 03, 2015- 500
November 02, 2015- 500
For your Information- SINP Express has opened 3 times in this month (May 2017), as below:
May 16, 2017: 600 Applications (Opened on 12:45 AM Indian Standard Time- IST; Closed in 2 hours, approximately)
May 17, 2017: 462 Applications (Opened on 1:54 AM Indian Standard Time- IST; opened for...
The Saskatchewan Express Entry Sub-Category is for skilled workers who want to work and live in Saskatchewan. This category enables the SINP to nominate individuals that are in Citizenship and Immigration Canada's Express Entry pool and who have the education, skilled work experience, language...
After clicking the submission, it takes to payment gateway. Interestingly it didn't accept my credit card and I paid with the debit card. After payment, it automatically submitted. But, I need to refer that I struggled much to pay that 300.
Guys, something is happening in SINP, it updated the payment info for OID as below
"As of April 1, 2017, applicants to the Occupation In-Demand sub-category are required to submit a non-refundable $300 application fee online by Visa or Mastercard when they apply."
And changes in OASIS as well-...
Not at all, I guess. Its the cumulative of all factors- that you need to score 67 points. And, yes you must be eligible withing factors 1 to 4. Meaning- you must have minimum required- education, ability in English/French, work experience and Age. For detailed minimum requirement, please refer...
I have a problem to share, expert, please help. If my friend consider applying Nova Scotia Demand Program that requires only CLB 5, Express Entry profile only accept min CLB 7.
After filling all the information on the EE profile, it says-
"Based on your answers, you do not appear to be eligible...
All the expert, I am new to this- but I have a question-
On Nova Scotia Demand- EF, I am considering NOC 6235, Skill Level B, that requires CLB 5 only, right? as per the guideline.
But, to be eligible in the pool, on EE profile- you must have CLB 7 or higher. After filling all the information...