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  1. Boracay

    Doctor says we need to apply to Immigration first before getting examined?

    Yes it was the DMP in Baquio. They were confused. if you show them the form no problem, I think that they, or at least the secretary believes that maybe you must apply in order to get the form which is not true. Once I showed her the forms it was fine By the way it was Dr. Damasco Bangaoet...
  2. Boracay

    Doctor says we need to apply to Immigration first before getting examined?

    I was always under the impression that we needed to get he medical first before applying. But they said we need to apply first and immigration will sign something and then we go. Does this make sense to anyone?
  3. Boracay

    Dependent childs birth certificate has missing info that can not be proven

    Hi everyone. My common law wife has a non-accompanying 2 year old child who will stay behind with my partner's Mother and Father (grandparents). In our checklist it says that we need to..... IDENTITY AND CIVIL STATUS DOCUMENTS 1) For the Philippines The following original documents are...
  4. Boracay


    We are from Boracay but family from Dasol so we will go there and Alaminos and Dagupan for things like NBI and NSO, Baguio we will need to do our medical there. do you mean it's 3500 for one pesrson? yikes!! sobrang mahal naman!!!
  5. Boracay

    statutory declaration of common-law union

    We spent the first 9 months in The Philippines and the last 3 months traveling through several countries so we just put where we resided the longest which is The Philippines
  6. Boracay


    Hi, we are looking to have our medicals done around the 11th or 12th of October but when we call the 2 offices there is no answer. Were you able to get an answer on the phone? Is an appointment needed or can we just show up? Also if you know how much it costs that would be great, thanks!!!
  7. Boracay

    ID for dependent child during medical exam

    "If no passport is available, provide an official identity document bearing a photo and the date of birth of the family member." My partner's daughter (non-accompanying) is just a baby and has no photo ID, just a birth certificate from the civil registrar which does no bear a photo. We don't...
  8. Boracay

    Can I type and write on a form?

    99% of my form filling is/will be typed. I'm with my partner overseas now and some forms require both our signatures. So I will ensure these are filled out, printed and signed now. However some forms ask for example my phone number which doesn't exist yet. But it will once I go back to Canada...
  9. Boracay

    Notarization of Declaration of Commonlaw union

    She need not divorce as it's not possible in The Philippines, but we already know about all that and how it works with the application etc. Just it being notarized in a different country is the question! Thanks for the advice though =)
  10. Boracay

    Notarization of Declaration of Commonlaw union

    We are currently in Vietnam on vacation She will be immigrating from The Philippines and she is a Filipino citizen. When we go back to The Philippines we will only be together for a short amount of time and we have a lot to get accomplished from medical, police, national statistics office etc...
  11. Boracay

    Have we jointly signed a residential lease, relating to a residence we both live

    On our Declaration of Common Law Union It asks if we have signed a residential lease, mortgage etc relating to a residence we both live. I clicked No... But I need to double check if that is correct. We never signed a lease. We just have receipts with both our names on it from the places we...
  12. Boracay

    Validation of IMM008

    What exactly does the above statement mean? Also just to double check, so if I have completed the new IMM008 and every other form is from a few months ago. This should be ok? To be safe should I send the new and old IMM008 in or will that just confuse things?
  13. Boracay

    Validation of IMM008

    We have been filling out our forms with Adobe Pro so they can be saved and then reedited and so on before we finally decide to print them. Then there was a note on the CIC website Note: As of July 18, 2011, applicants for Permanent Residence are asked to complete the new Generic Application...
  14. Boracay

    Our Application Package - Is this enough?

    ok great We're concerned that they will have a lot of questions regarding her last marriage as we stated it last for 1 day. She did write a notarized letter explaining what happened. But technically that marriage would not be genuine and we're concerned that maybe they will think that...
  15. Boracay

    Our Application Package - Is this enough?

    We're ready to apply soon and want to check if we have enough and also a few questions. Your thoughts to anything we should add or fix would be appreciated. Quick review of our Common Law Relationship. We lived together in The Philippines for 9 months in one home We've spent the remaining 3...
  16. Boracay

    What if she's pregnant?

    Yeah....since we're in Cambodia we're waiting until we get to Vietnam for a blood test because the facilities in this country are pretty iffy and there are lots of warnings online. Vietnam we have some friends who know some better facilities. A lot of people say she may not be pregnant. And...
  17. Boracay

    What if she's pregnant?

    Yes I'm a Canadian Citizen She has not done her medical until we get back to The Philippines. We're currently in Cambodia on vacation. Oct 14th I think we'll be able to have the exam. (today is Sept 16th) (IF) she is pregnant....it would be new...If the application had no complications. The...
  18. Boracay

    What if she's pregnant?

    So you're saying it would not delay the process? Would/Should we declare it? I guess it would show up in her medical report anyway
  19. Boracay

    Example of Letter or support?

    Some of my friends English is rather poor and I still got them to write letters of support. It's full of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes but I think they still get the point across. Maybe you can coach them a bit but let them write in their style of English (unless of course they know...
  20. Boracay

    What if she's pregnant?

    So we're just 2 weeks from becoming officially Common Law....and then I must return to Canada as I'm not able to generate income. We're planning to apply as Common Law right away But of course with our luck her period is 10 days late so far. 2 pregnancy tests have turned out negative. We'll...