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  1. ladyinwaiting

    parents sponsership joine here

    786, if they're non accompanying you don't need to bother to show proof of full time studies. However if they are on the form they do need to complete the Background Information form and the Additional Family Information, as well as get pictures and when the time comes, they will ask for them to...
  2. ladyinwaiting

    parents sponsership joine here

    Anik, it says on the letter you have to mail the documents to Mississauga, not their local visa office. I think you don't need to get another authorization in Canada, the immigration should be used to this, BUT I would, just in case.
  3. ladyinwaiting

    parents sponsership joine here

    Hi noora73, I'm not sure how it works in Quebec, but as far as I've read in guides and other posts, it's okay he went on EI as long as it was not during the 12 months they're gonna evaluate him from. For example, when you sent your parental sponsorship the evaluate the last 12 months of income...
  4. ladyinwaiting


    As far as I know, confusednscared is absolutely right. I was told by the visa office that IF they need the ARC, they will be the ones to ask for the fee and the written statement, then they'll deal with it themselves. I too was denied a refugee claim back in 2008, but I'm under Parent...
  5. ladyinwaiting

    parents sponsership joine here

    You mean the one to put on the form? Well, here in Brazil we actually have a document called "national ID", so I just used it. But I guess they'd consider driver's license as a document because that's what they use in Canada. As for the proof of the relationship to the sponsor, we submitted my...
  6. ladyinwaiting

    parents sponsership joine here

    Yeah, well... We don't know exactly how things will go after you send the documents because the process was entirely different a few months back. First they'd ask the sponsor to update his/her information, then they'd be approved (just like in spouse sponsorship), then they'd send the parents...
  7. ladyinwaiting

    Request application rejection

    Guys, relax. People have different opinions and different cultures. Yes, we don't know anything about the OP or his wife, so there's no need to take sides or start a big argument over cultural/religion differences. C'mon, we're here to support each other regardless of our personal beliefs...
  8. ladyinwaiting

    parents sponsership joine here

    Parent Sponsorship here. My brother is sponsoring my mother and me. File sent March 3rd 2008 File received March 4th 2008 Acknowledgment letter April 2008 Additional documents requested November 25th 2011 Additional documents sent December 14th 2011 Additional documents received December 15th 2011
  9. ladyinwaiting

    how to sponser your brother?

    You can if you sponsor your parents and they add your brother as a dependant on their sponsoship. If they're under 22, they need to be unmarried and dependant on your parents. If they're over 22, they need to be studying full time ever since attaining the age of 22 and also fully dependant on...
  10. ladyinwaiting

    parent sponsorship

    Thanks for sharing, Pari4u!
  11. ladyinwaiting

    Mom and dad application (philippines)

    The application will most likely be rejected.
  12. ladyinwaiting

    Whom can I sponsor?

    If you sponsor your parents, they can add your sister as dependant. If she's under 22 she needs to be unmarried, if she's older she must be enrroled in school and totally dependant on your parents. However, parent sponsorship has been paused for 2 years, they are not accepting new applications.
  13. ladyinwaiting

    hiding a gay marriage to the canadian immigration visa office

    I read your story and I was very touched! I'm really happy for you and your partner! :)
  14. ladyinwaiting

    Sao Paulo VO 2011

    ccbrasil, when I called there I kept getting an automated system as well. I got tired of it and started trying random extention numbers until someone answered me and I explained, if they couldn't help they transferred to someone who could. The number is (55 11) 5509-4343, so just try the ending...
  15. ladyinwaiting

    December 2011 Applicants - Join here!

    Sent today, December 14th. It's a Parent Sponsorship, my brother sponsoring my mom and I. We actually sent the application back in March 2008, but they have started working on it on November 2011 and asked us to update some documents, so we sent the updated information today :) My brother is...
  16. ladyinwaiting

    Deeply Worried!!

    The one where he takes winter jackets and a Tim Hortons to them? I cry myself out every time I watch it. ;/
  17. ladyinwaiting

    Parent Sponsorship Forms questions help!!!Please!!

    Oh yes, that's true! Well, that's a pain, my parents have also moved countless timess since they were 18 ;/
  18. ladyinwaiting

    PLS HELP !! Questions for the IMM 0008 (Application for PR for in-laws)

    The step-by-step helps: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/step-by-step.asp Principal applicant = your spouse's parent, whoever he's sponsoring (let's say, his dad). Dependant = the spouse (your spouse's mother), son (your spouse's brother if he lives and is dependant on his...
  19. ladyinwaiting

    HELP!! additional dependants / declaration form (imm 008dep)

    Here are the instructions on who needs to fill what forms: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/step-by-step.asp I'm sorry I misunderstood and gave incorrect instructions. You only need to fill out IMM008DEP if your mother has more than 5 dependants and couldn't fit them all...
  20. ladyinwaiting

    Sao Paulo VO 2011

    My file has not been transferred yet, but I assume it will soon, since I live in Sao Paulo. :) (My brother is sponsoring my mother and I) :)