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  1. bib003

    New CEC - Jan 2014 Applications

    It would take around 40 days. I have also mailed again the same on June 26th as my previous certificate was received on April 24, 2013.
  2. bib003

    New CEC - Jan 2014 Applications

    hopefully after july 1 st weekend they start working little fast....
  3. bib003

    December 2013 Applications

    I guess you will receive RPRF and PPR very soon.
  4. bib003

    New CEC - Jan 2014 Applications

    Toby, you won't realize but most of the people are relying on your website..Thank you for the good work.. :D
  5. bib003

    New CEC - Jan 2014 Applications

    Hi, below is the link for all the spreadsheets and u can add yourself to Jan 2014 applicants. thanks to toby who manages this website. http://cectoolkit.weebly.com/spreadsheets.html
  6. bib003

    oct 2013 applicant

    I don't know if this is right but I read in some posts that you can get updated SIN based on COPR. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  7. bib003

    New CEC - Jan 2014 Applications

    You're most welcome...
  8. bib003

    New CEC - Jan 2014 Applications

    There are still November applicants are getting their MR and also December applicants are waiting eagerly too after that (we) Jan applicants should get in Mid of July or so.
  9. bib003


    You just have to e-mail soft copy of it and no need to mail hard copy of it.
  10. bib003


    congrats bro....
  11. bib003


    Hi cecnov2013, Did you request another FBI certificate? How long did you stay in USA? I lived 8 years in USA and I also sent FBI certificate dated April 2013 along with my application on January 2014. I am worried that I will receive another request too so I am thinking to do FBI again in Mid...
  12. bib003

    oct 2013 applicant

    How many of October 2013 applicants still waiting for medical?
  13. bib003


    Let's hope for it. Have a good weekend everyone.
  14. bib003


    Congratulations :D we need more good news like this :D
  15. bib003


    I do have soft and hard copy of FBI certificate, but it is dated April 2013 and I submitted my application on Jan 2014. I think I will reorder again on mid June 2014 or so for the back up. Thank you
  16. bib003


    I already submitted original FBI with my application on Jan 2014. I am just curious if they ask again then I don't want to wait another 40 days but rather have it ready so I can mail it again. Thank you.
  17. bib003


    It will come, its a waiting game!!!! :(
  18. bib003


    Do you think I should also order my FBI certificate again? When should I request for FBI? It generally takes 40 days. I received FBI on April 2013 and I submitted my file in Jan 2014. I was thinking they won't ask as information won't change as I am not living in USA now. I am hoping to receive...
  19. bib003

    July 2013 Applicants Join here

    Thank you razerblade....hoping time fly soon...
  20. bib003

    July 2013 Applicants Join here

    Congratulations razerblade!! I have quick question for you. Don't they require any pay stubs or bank statement to provide proof of funds? Someone told me they required $20000 funds for family of four. I am going to loose my job and i don't think will get new one as new LMO n all the stuff...