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  1. Harry22

    Student permit from India

    please elaborate your profile.
  2. Harry22

    2 years gap... is it ok???

    Sometimesthey do call the employer. i suggest must go with some real company.
  3. Harry22


    Hi, I know one course its a PG course- International business in Manitoba and fee is around $11400 for whole year including 1 co-op College (Red River College) Thanks
  4. Harry22


    Hello There is May intake at Red River College for International business but they don't have that mentioned on website. Go ahead apply for it. Thanks -- Harry
  5. Harry22

    Jan 2014 - Red River college

    All students join here.
  6. Harry22

    Employment certificate to show as a home tie....plz give suggestions and advice

    Employment offer won,t show any ties. You can get better Job anywhere and can quit this offer. For ties, it must be a reason that there will be no alternate possible easily. Ties to home can be Family, Dependents, Property.
  7. Harry22

    pg diploma

    According to me: A certificate basically says you've taken a few courses on a subject. A certificate will qualify you for an entry level job. A diploma suggests several courses in the same area have been taken, it is similar but better than a certificate. Diploma is basically half way to degree.
  8. Harry22

    pg diploma

    I applied from India. Certificate and diploma both have their own importance. But PG diploma will not downgrade your education. Any PG level education after graduation will upgrade your education level.
  9. Harry22

    pg diploma

    PG diploma - International Business Sorry, i don't know about this institute..
  10. Harry22

    pg diploma

    Hello Guys, PG DIPLOMA- itself defines its level of study. Its post graduate diploma. If you are graduated than only you can enroll in this program. I am not sure why someone told you that PG diploma is undergraduate program or below bachelors. I did my bachelors and then selected PG diploma...
  11. Harry22

    can mange the study cost by a partime job.?

    These are rumors. It is really hard even to earn one semester fee by part time work.
  12. Harry22

    Got my VISA by the grace of ALMIGHTY GOD!!!!

    GIC- Guaranteed Investment Certificate. When you arrive here in Canada. You will get these $10000 over the period of 10 months or i can say, you will get $2000 every alternate month. Thanks -- Harry
  13. Harry22


    Go through you previous education documents and thru the program and its courses, which you will be pursuing. Thanks -- Harry
  14. Harry22

    Course selection after B-tech in CSE

    Mention that you are the only one who will handle your family business so you are bounded with your home country and will come back.
  15. Harry22

    CIC officer told me i cannot apply for PGWP, because i took online courses ?!

    Your welcome. Do let me know if you need any other info. Thanks -- Harry
  16. Harry22

    help me please

    Yes, sure.
  17. Harry22

    help me please

    Yes, you can write this. But make sure add more points and why you can't do this program in your own country.?
  18. Harry22

    CIC officer told me i cannot apply for PGWP, because i took online courses ?!

    For one course he took on campus exam and One were completed with online final exam.
  19. Harry22

    may 2014 intake, General category, reapplying 2nd time

    I recommend you to apply again in general category and add strong SOP that can explain all rejection issues. Thanks -- Harry
  20. Harry22

    help me please

    Elaborate in SOP that why are you choosing this program and what are your intentions. Thanks -- Harry