Hi arjignesh ,
Pl share ur experience at airport with IO.
i d like to know abt POF .(1)R u taking DD or traveller's cheque and r they check this amount.(2) In CIC immigration form , a question like that -where do u intend to live in canada.I wrote Ontarion Toronto.than after visa if i arrived...
after observation of some post & thread.It s looks that after submitted PP and medicalits take around 4 week average to come out visa.one more thing i ve received a letter of CIIP .Is it usefull?pl give ur views also share experience if anybody attended.
yes ,saurav is right, thomas cook TC or western union TC,cause they r well reputed in ovesseas country.ane airport par immigration officer jad hoy chhe.etle no compromise with 2-4 hajar rupiya.
biji ek vaat ke tamare atyare bhale paisa ni kadaki hoy pan aa babat ma bandh chhod karsho nahi.ek...
Dear all,
Pl advice.
I need to send my pp with medical docs&RPRF to new delhi vo. Vo address is-immigration section, 7/8, chankyapuri,po box5278,newdelhi.so should i send it by bludart or speed post.pl advice.