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  1. S

    Post e-APR Process and Common Reasons for Rejection

    Just a quick one. I submitted my ITA in 28 August 2017. By what timeframe do things start moving. As of now it just show submitted and I think it wont start moving.. generally what is the average time of movement to next phase have you seen.
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    65th Draw ITA recipients,Lets connect and share timelines

    got my ITA yesterday too.. Yay... Now there is another application form..at what stage do we upload the documents. Also isnt the personalized checklist also supposed to be sent? edit - sorry everyone .. got the link
  3. S

    Same Company - 3 Locations

    Can I ask you another one.. Does the reference letter have to be from HR.. I am thinking the moment I ask them . they will ask me the reason why I want the letters and when I tell them .. It might not be taken in a very ok manner.
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    Same Company - 3 Locations

    OK thank you .. I shall get working on those reference letters ASAP.
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    Same Company - 3 Locations

    Hi Folks I joined my Company in 2012 as a direct recruit to the Hong Kong office. in 2014 due to a family issue i had to move back to India, so i took a Transfer to the Indian Branch of the same company (the name of the company slightly differs but its the same) in 2016 I was asked to move to...
  6. S

    PCC if Stayed in Different Countries

    Just a followup question, I still have to do these BKK trips...so would I have to stop that since PCC has to be submitted when outside the country right? and till I submit the PCC cannot enter that country again?
  7. S

    EE Profile ineligible not mentioned in next application

    Hi All, I had submitted a EE Profile but was immediately changed to "Ineligible" most like because the proof of funds amount was too low. Now I changed it and re-submitted a new profile and it went through. Mistake is i have forgotten to mention the previous EE application number which was...
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    PCC if Stayed in Different Countries

    sincere thanks... and I will require a lot of luck
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    PCC if Stayed in Different Countries

    Hi Folks I have stayed in India, around 2 years in HK and then around 1+ year in singapore. Work also took me to Bangkok and KualaLumpur on and off in the last 2 years Now I read that PCC is required if I have stayed in that country for > 6 Months Last 4 years I have made multiple trip to BKK...
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    EE Profile ineligible but CRS calculator scores comes to 443

    Total Family members - 4 (Main , Spouse, 2 kids) POF - 20000 CAD
  11. S

    EE Profile ineligible but CRS calculator scores comes to 443

    Hi Guys I check the come to Canada tool and it shows my profile as ineligible for EE but If i check on any calculator like https://www.canadavisa.com/comprehensive-ranking-score-calculator.html it says I have around 443 points and hence I am eligible. What am i doing wrong while filling up the...
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    Thats the question of Equivalency... as per ECA report I should use "One or more certificates...." but I do not see that option. Are you saying, I can select the closest and CA will give me the correct points ? Sorry for asking again. Regards
  13. S


    Hi All, I got my ECA Report I have a Bachelors in Commerce & an Masters in Information Management (3 years but Part Time) The ECA report from WES gave me a Bachelors (3/4 years) and Post Graduate Diploma. Now my query is as per the...
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    EOI questions while filling up the application

    Hi While filling up the application I have a few doubts regarding how to proceed with the following questions Educational qualifications - 1. I have a part time masters in Information Management - ECA gave this a Post Graduate Diploma after my Bachelors. Now when I check which one by using...
  15. S


    No need for a colored copy. A B/w copy will do as well. I had submitted colored but then asked the lady there and she said not required. I just submitted my form today, just to update the documents mentioned in the earlier post are the same. I had to follow the below process 1. Get the...