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  1. LLAngel


    Hello Vienna applicants, I'm wondering, once decision is made for SA and approved....does Vienna update E-CAS to show the Permanent Residency Application (sponsored person's file) from Application Received to "In Process" for all of you? Is that how you know application was mailed there for...
  2. LLAngel

    Spousal sponsorship

    You can use this tool to calculate and read more about details in regards to Permanent Residency requirement. https://eservices.cic.gc.ca/rescalc/resCalcStartNew.do?&lang=en&_ga=1.199820014.1983641229.1432906536 Cheers!
  3. LLAngel

    Kosovo's Spousal Applicants

    Ohhh I had same issue. Duhesh me dit qaj UCI a eshte i joti apo i burrit? Garant i joti edhe kur ti vnojsh te dhanat Mbiemrin tan, datldinjen edhe vendin e lindjes...qysh i ke shkru ne aplikacion. Mu me emer qiknis ma ka pranu jo me mbiemer te burrit (marteses). Provo qeshtu kombinime te ndryshe...
  4. LLAngel

    Kosovo's Spousal Applicants

    A i ka thirr CIC burri yt sot?? Lypja perfaqsueses infot qe i perdor ajo per me bo login edhe tani hin e kqyr se ja vlen me kerku update. Mos me prit kot.
  5. LLAngel

    2015 April-Outland spousal application

    They updated the processing times today too! Last update: May 26, 2015 56 days (Working on applications received on April 7, 2015) So a lot of you should be getting SA this week...and then I guess late April applicants will get it next week? hahahhaha can't wait!!!
  6. LLAngel

    Kosovo's Spousal Applicants

    Ani a po mundesh me bo login ne ECAS tasht vet a gjithmon pi lyp attachment perfaqesueses???
  7. LLAngel

    Spousal sponsorship

    Semos, sounds to me that you are either very close to the limit of days you can spend outside of Canada or have already exceeded it :s It's very important that you return to Canada as soon as possible / immediately! I have read about cases that were removed from Canada/ their PR card/status was...
  8. LLAngel

    Kosovo's Spousal Applicants

    Mimianda, hina lexova qka ke postu prej fillimit se bash u qudita qysh hala sen stkan qu. E pash qe as ne ECAS sje tu pa sen ti! Pa kqyr hin ne ECAS edhe e qet UCI me te dhanat tua se porcioni i Viennes vetem ti ki access. Ose thuj burrit le ta thirr CIC neser shume heret ose ka 3 masdite...
  9. LLAngel

    Kosovo's Spousal Applicants

    Me ni an edhe skan faj bre qe i kqyrin shqiptart ma detajisht...se plot kan bo dallavere...kan ardh me viza vizitorit e drejt ne ndihma / social kan hi...ose per ni rast kam ndegju qe vllau u qu u martu me motren ose kusherinen vec per mja bo letrat. Tani i kan zan edhe qeshtu ju ka prish puna...
  10. LLAngel

    Kosovo's Spousal Applicants

    Aha. Kam pas punu call centre per Rogers nja 2-3 vjet......ski faj qe bohesh depressed! Perdit me shku npune met bertit njerzit....edhe ma shume ta shtojn merzin! Ti prej kahit je ne KS? E burri? ...mos po dalim te njofshem hahahah
  11. LLAngel

    Kosovo's Spousal Applicants

    Pse a je ne anen amerikane te Windsorit a? Po po e njof AT&T se BlackBerry eshte partner...shpesh here duhet mi thirr :P
  12. LLAngel

    Kosovo's Spousal Applicants

    Hhahahahah flm shume! Ama dije qe mielli ktu ehste ma i eger. krejt ankohen qe piteve duhet mjav marr doren per se dyti :P Edhe perimet nuk jan si te bahqes ne KS.
  13. LLAngel

    Kosovo's Spousal Applicants

    Po more qysh jo! Pse mos mu ba shoqe...sadopak me hjek monotonin, edhe burrat tona mujn mu shoqnu :) Ngom mue, knaqu me mesa e nipa e prinderit se ki me kajt per KS!!! Edhe ha qkamos hjeke marakun!!!! Une jam nga Ferizaji burrin ka rrethi Rahovecit. Une pi baj 28 vjet ne Korrik. Hajt bre...
  14. LLAngel

    Kosovo's Spousal Applicants

    Sa mire, edhe ti kokshe afer neve...jo qaq larg :) Po deshka pa tjeter me dal shopping na trijat bashk najehere :P Valmiri - eshte ne Windsor, kufi me Amerik...dalmi bajm shopping anej se ma lire jan senet ;) ;D Motra jeme e ka ni djal 3 vjet i ban tasht e ni qik 1 vjet i ban qet muj...nipi...
  15. LLAngel

    Kosovo's Spousal Applicants

    Valmiri - E kam ni shoqe ne London, ON....kur vi natana mundemi mu taku najhere :D Skam shume shoqni prej Kosoves ktu ne Canada. 10 vjet i baj ne Gusht qe kam ardh ktu. Punoj ne BlackBerry. Ti ku punon? qe sa je ne Canada? Mimianda - Kuuu ne ks kokshe ti! Mem ngu mu knaqesh me tshpis...e me...
  16. LLAngel

    Kosovo's Spousal Applicants

    Mimianda - A i ke thirr? Se 1 ni vjet duhet me dit dicka deri tasht? Nuk eshte qe nuk jam e durueshme, ama eshte shume shtir kur ski familje ktu hic edhe kur smuhesh vec vet mu kan tu kan me pas burrin ktu :s A ki lexu sene ne CanLii? Edhe pse ju ka pranu SA, prap sja kan pranu letrat disave...
  17. LLAngel

    Kosovo's Spousal Applicants

    Sucks :( I came back end of January...I remember the moment I landed in Frankfurt (transit) I couldn't hold my tears anymore...and I felt so lost! Menxi jam qetsu me gjet "the right gate". Mu kan qe i lajn me ardh me viz vizitorit bile mu knaq pak bashk po hic spo ju besojn shqiptarve :s...
  18. LLAngel


    I see a lot of people sponsoring their spouses from Kosovo on this thread. My husband is from Kosovo too. After reading the previous posts I'm very worried now :( ....also...saw a lot of cases on CANLII (hearing board) from Kosovo people that were refused because CIC didn't think their...
  19. LLAngel

    Spousal sponsorship

    Usually you can see status online after you get AOR (email confirming they received your application) and you get the UCI number on that email. Took me few days after that email to be able to see the status online. It didn't work with receipt number only with UCI number. Good Luck!