Hi All,
Haven't seen any passport request for applicants from NVDO.
Can't open d spreadsheet..
Is there any one who finished MR .. and has got passport request ?
See quite a few May 7th applicants from NVDO.. receiving their MR.. I am also a May 7th applicant with PER mail received on 28th July. Should there be a reason to worry.. ?
Don't worry that should work.. as CIC understands not all employers are ready to provide such letters. Just to be on safe side put a cover letter mentioning.. that company would not provide a letter for visa purpose.
After you have your file number.. and the status shows in Process what is next to expect ?
Do you get a written communication from them that have started processing your file or just directly the Medical request ?
Agreed that's Wat the forum is for... So connect with ppl n find urslf some help... Where u r ignorant...
Anyways don put an effort to ans me now.. have lot more helpful ppl on d forum to guide
Dear friend..
I am not utilising my office resources... Rather using my mobile...
And yes obvs would not ans a question which I don knw ans to...and definitely will not ans questions for which ans in available on spreadsheet.