Hi fj423
Security is always blank in GCMS notes..they never share security check on the file... Am i right guys??? And as far as your criminality and Eligblity checkls are concerned they are still not started so you have got wait a bit ..
Hi All, I'm trying to make a list of Applicants who received PPR and Re-med together in June and are still waiting:
Pelase add your name here:
Red Jeans - Remed (June 20, 2012) / Passport Sent on (June 21, 2012) - Still waiting
Hi All, I'm tryinh to make a list of Applicants who received PPR and Re-med together in June and are still waiting:
Pelase add your name here:
Red Jeans - Remed (June 20, 2012) / Passport Sent on (June 21, 2012) - Still waiting
No need to worry DSF..Here few of the members got the passport back with visa and the status on Ecas was still inprocess..so keep your fingers crossed inshAllah you will get your passport back within this month ! :)
hey disaster , We both have almost the same timeline..I sent my passport on June 20 and till waiting.. I hope we get it back before July ends inshALLAH