i was unemployed when I applied and up to now, lol.. ;D ;D
so do not worry about it, jez place unemployed on that box jez like what i did..
hope i did help.. ;D ;D
- ;)firestyle_jutsu ;)-
Ng attend k n b ng COA Chebeng? kc ung speaker dun sabi ndi puede ang bank certificate.. And COA is funded by CIC.. Kung aq tatanungin I will follow what the speaker of COA has said. ;D ;D
Uu Feb din ung MR q pero ung ecas med received line last week na ng april ndagdag.. Re: sa address, ewan q kung natin un.. nung ngemail kc aq about sa change of address q ndi nman npalitan ung dating address q.. ;D ;D ;D
SUSHI, puede nman email.. gamitin mu ung email na bngay nila sa 2nd AOR mu.. puede rin snail mail at puede din ang drop box.. hehe ;D ;D ;D