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  1. L

    Refugee Travel Document - Questions and Answers

    I don't know a single person which got their status revoked because of traveling back home. Yes, it was risky during Harper's government but I don't believe CIC will exercise that power now. However, I personally will never risk going back home till I get my citizenship. We sacrificed a lot and...
  2. L

    Refugee Travel Document - Questions and Answers

    I'd say Iran/Jordan/Turkey are all good options for your family. Turkey is probably the best for you for cheaper / direct fly from Canada.
  3. L

    Refugee Travel Document - Questions and Answers

    I also emailed them. Hopefully they change the rules. It doesn't make any sense all good European countries accept this except Spain and Iceland. I mean, Iceland is no better than Norway, Finland, Sweden which accept our RTD. Iceland show some respect :D
  4. L

    Refugee Travel Document - Questions and Answers

    I am super excited as I always wanted to go to Norway but they didn't accept RTD. Now they do, so I'll get the visa and go :) Easy ... Also I will contact Iceland embassy to see if there is any chance they change their rules and accept RTD.
  5. L

    Refugee Travel Document - Questions and Answers

    Actually, I have done the finger print so it is in their record. I don't need to pay $80 either as we are exempted from that but just pay the courier company fees. Thanks for the info.
  6. L


    If you want to post something here and get a reply, try to be a little meaningful in your wording. If you want people to open your subject and reply, saying "urgent help" will not get anyone's attention. Try to put some words together that give an impression of the issue so if someone knows the...
  7. L

    Port of Entry claim without travel documents

    I am sure you can apply in land without any document BUT if you can proof your identity that would make your application much smoother. Also bear in mind if you get here illegally you might end up in jail or detention centre. I know a guy from Algeria who arrived here by a ship from Europe and...
  8. L

    Can I start a private sponsorship if someone's refugee claim was denied

    Wish I knew the answer but I am not sure. Best would be to ask a lawyer or one of free consultant offices in your city. But, I don't think the sponsorship works for the cases they are in Canada specially as their refugee status was not recognised which means Canada did not accept them as refugees.
  9. L

    Refugee Travel Document - Questions and Answers

    Finally found it: Go here http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/home-affairs/what-we-do/policies/borders-and-visas/index_en.htm and then first under info. Direct URL is...
  10. L

    Refugee Travel Document - Questions and Answers

    I just found this. I am not sure if this means Finland doesn't need a visa from us too. http://formin.finland.fi/public/default.aspx?contentid=182867&nodeid=15720&contentlan=2&culture=en-US
  11. L

    Refugee Travel Document - Questions and Answers

    Countries in Europe which accept RTD without visa: 1. Germany 2. Hungary 3. Slovenia 4. Slovakia Countries in Europe which do NOT accept RTD: 1. Norway 2. Iceland 3. Spain 4. Portugal Actually there is an excel file on EU web site for what countries accept what documents. I can't find it now!!
  12. L

    Refugee Travel Document - Questions and Answers

    Hello, You traveled to Norway with RTD? Norway and Iceland do NOT accept RTD. I'd love to go to these two countries. Can you tell me how you went there? Which country did you get your Schengen visa from and if you told them you are going to visit Norway? This is very important. Thanks
  13. L

    Refugee Travel Document - Questions and Answers

    Thanks Ranbowbee. You did a great job providing this very important and accurate information. I'll try to translate it to Arabic so the Arab community can benefit from it too (after your permission). Now, I'd suggest we use this post to share our travel experience using our Travel Document...
  14. L

    Travel To Schengen without Schengen Visa?

    Not even 1 reply? LOL!
  15. L

    7 years as a Refugee? When will i get my PR

    You don't sound to be from one of the dangerous countries in the world as your brothers could come to Canada one by one so maybe that's the delay. I am from Iraq and have been in Canada since 2010 and a Refugee since 2011 but still no PR!! At least you have a family here. Best of luck.
  16. L

    Refugee Sponsorship through SAHs

    Hello. I am Iraqi too and I have my brother and his family in Turkey for 2 years now. I already applied using SHA but it seems it is closed for all nationals except Syrian. Guess we Iraqis are always very lucky no matter what!!!! So yes, you can do the paper work with a church or similar places...
  17. L

    Work Permit for refugees

    I am not sure if you already received it or not but the last time I applied it took them 2 months to send me the work permit. I think they waited couple weeks before the current one expires to send me the new one.
  18. L

    Travel To Schengen without Schengen Visa?

    I wonder if anyone traveled to Schengen area recently without a Schengen Visa? I mean, anywhere other than Germany, Slovakia, or Slovenia as these countries don't need a visa from Canadian Travel Document Holders. I traveled last year but with Schengen Visa. I'd like to go again this year but...
  19. L

    Refugee's sponsored family members visiting home country

    Ok. I am a bit confused of the replies. Can you please clarify more? I was the principle applicants on our Refugee application while my wife was dependent on my application but we both were on the refugee application and did the interview and got Refugee Status. We now have two beautiful...
  20. L

    an error on my work permit form. what should I do?

    If it is the application, I don't think you need to do anything. They already have your file with all documents which has your correct name. So don't worry. Regarding work, everything is lined to SIN so as long as you can get or have a SIN all will be good. To double check, you can always go to...